Example sentences of "up to no " in BNC.

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1 The subject of a bad reference can sue the referee for libel but has to show the referee was up to no good : spite , ill-will or some improper motive will do .
2 I told you he would be up to no good . ’
3 Up to no good whatever she 's doing .
4 Lola gets up to no good with her handsome boyfriend , but it 's a basic boy meets girl story of how the pair defiantly take on the world .
5 A headmaster friend told me recently that he had burst into a classroom mistakenly thinking some pupils were up to no good , only to discover it was drama ; and I recall one of my own students , in playing the role of a prisoner-of-war camp commandant berating the ‘ prisoners ’ and warning them that he had ways of finding out where the missing prisoner was if he did n't own up , was somewhat taken aback to hear the voice of the school caretaker call from the other end of the drama hall , ‘ There 's a boy here , Mr. Ainscough , skulking by this radiator ’ !
6 Along with the mingling of the genres go the other stylistic features of a rather modish postmodernism : pastiche ; montage ; paraphrase ; parody ; allusion ; quotation ; often adding up to no more than a cultivated divertissement .
7 If you knew him to be a criminal , you suspected him of being up to no good .
8 Hitler was obviously up to no good .
9 ( Gary was the only exception I knew to this rule , and then only when he was up to no good ) . ’
10 Up to no bloody good , that 's for sure … ’
11 Worried that leaving it in the basket might suggest that she had been up to no good , the girl ran downstairs starkers with her boyfriend in hot pursuit , playfully offering to help .
12 In the Unification Church and they 're stealing a march on us right enough and that 's what they 're doing — stealing that march — and they 're up to no good in their unification and I know they 're not and they know I know they 're not and that 's why it all happened .
13 Well , it will surprise you to know that Mrs Glen thought I , me , myself , personally had been up to no good .
14 That 's somebody who 's up to no good …
15 What 's the betting he 's up to no good , and that he felt Dan Pearson got to know too much about him and needed to be silenced ? ’
16 If he was really up to no good the situation might have turned awkward — though as it happens he was perfectly civil , and I was n't nervous . ’
17 The business with the whore had proved that they were up to no good .
18 North Korea would probably still have to admit , as Iraq has done under UN sanctions and as South Africa did voluntarily , that it had been up to no good .
19 They come out after dark , up to no good . ’
20 Wherever she appears , she 's up to no good . ’
21 ‘ She does n't get out much , ’ said Shirley flatly : a statement at once accurate and wonderfully , gloriously misleading : ‘ she does n't get out much ’ , an acceptable phrase , a dull little coin , an everyday coin , suggesting a mild , an ordinary , a commonplace disinclination , for in Northam ‘ getting out ’ was in many circles regarded as suspect , as improper , as leading to no good ( those making merry in Breasbrough , for example , were undoubtedly up to no good ) — a freak tolerated in the young , though with much grumbling , but considered dissolute , wayward , against nature in their elders .
22 ‘ Adam 's up to no good , ’ Buzz said firmly .
23 Somerset police had indeed called , and the BA had indeed been up to no good .
24 Carrying on and saying I was up to no good , out till that time .
25 She could n't stand Clarissa who , in the past , had quite often perceived it as her duty to inform Scarlet that her daughter , in one way or another , had been up to no good .
26 The waistline of her white dress , belted solid with beads and diamante , gave her the look of a page walking with a courtly gentleman disguised in black — doublet and hose lying in a chest at home an elongated miniature by Hillyard , a gentleman up to no good .
27 Not content with blackguarding him in the columns of the local rag , him and his silly daughter 's bum , the one-time Chief Citizen of the Borough had been up to no good with a girl young enough to be Grace 's sister , and in the Grand Hotel , and at a Conservative Party conference of all places .
28 So , erm , your point is that erm you move upward from your body to a level of intellect and then at the level there 's still a further journey to go , up to no one , and that 's our true self .
29 But now , anyone who 's up to no good may find they 're being watched .
30 Do n't be too quick to condemn or criticise people you think are up to no good or are getting special treatment for one reason or another .
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