Example sentences of "up in the " in BNC.

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1 There are over 2,300 inmates on America 's death rows : all have found themselves caught up in the nightmare that is the US capital law system .
2 The visitor to an auction may be caught up in the excitement and drama of the event , but the climate of opinion in which it takes place has been created by scholars and critics as well as businessmen .
3 Such people are ‘ impartial , up in the clouds , like good gods ’ .
4 RONALD Fraser 's In Search of a Past was published in 1984 , and Ralph Glasser 's Growing up in the Gorbals in 1986 .
5 Their elders make it upstairs in the flats , attended by small children — brothers and sisters who grow up in the Gorbals , Glasser says , to try it with each other .
6 Looked at all the usual things ; the cottages , the rectory and so on and , eventually ended up in the churchyard ; the one where Rupert Brooke is buried .
7 I had an alarming reading for an Agatha Christie film where I was given several sheets of script to sight read without any logical link up in the scenes being read and no-one to read with , except an office assistant who could n't read dialogue .
8 It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant , though the endless peeing , he wrote , the endless getting up in the middle of the night when the ice clung to the windowpanes and the taps were frozen , that was more unpleasant than pleasant , but it was not that , he wrote , these things - will not change , my bladder will not improve and next winter the ice will still cling to the panes and the taps will still freeze , but I will not notice them .
9 It 's super up in the sun .
10 At luncheon all four of them fetched up in the saloon bar of The Rose and Crown .
11 ‘ But I woke up in the middle of the night and could n't get back to sleep , so I decided to bake a cake , after all .
12 ‘ Finished up in the kitchen , were they ? ’ divined Henry .
13 Eventually I ended up in the Sealink arrival lounge .
14 Now is the time to have a really good clear up in the greenhouse .
15 All the leaves will drop away , and should be cleared up , rather than left to rot , or they will encourage pests and diseases to build up in the greenhouse .
16 However , this increase in speed must not be relied on if the launch is too slow and the pilot wants more speed , because the cause of a slow launch may be the beginning of a power failure , in which case steepening up in the hope of creating more speed would be dangerous .
17 Such a proposal is now of another era , however , and I was present when an ex-Dean of Academic Studies at the college presented a paper ( Stead 1980 ) attacking the trend to expensive , amalgamated police units which had grown up in the previous two decades .
18 The remainder were taken up in the amalgamations of 1974 , which coincided with the creation of the Metropolitan Councils , and today 's amalgamated forces often seem to owe as much to local and national political opportunity than to any operational logic ; and even two decades after the first melding together of the small forces , attempts to standardize uniform and systems of operation has consistently failed to dislodge many localized , small-scale beliefs and practices .
19 During a sojourn in Northumbria one of these ‘ academic high-flyers ’ remained implacably ‘ not one of us ’ , and I heard him summed up in the following terms :
20 Up in the chestnut branches girls and boys were clambering about , hitting at the spiked green conkers and knocking them down on to the heads below .
21 That took care of Strathtummel ; Atholl would get Up in the morning to find half his country crumbling under his feet .
22 They must lie up in the caves , if we do send refugees here , and in the pinewoods and the tall juniper — they will do even in the winter .
23 When he got up in the morning , his ankles felt ricketty .
24 No one brought up in the Jewish faith with his sort of European connections could fail to be unaware , or convulsed , by the nightmare we call the Holocaust .
25 ‘ I 'll just finish up in the kitchen . ’
26 If Niall turns up in the dock for blowing up redcoats , I 'll feel guilty .
27 Complex carbohydrates are best taken regularly throughout the day so that the glycogen is steadily replaced and built up in the muscles .
28 And if it ends up in the scrap bin , we simply write it off to experience , and start again .
29 Millions of pounds of investment meant nothing to Bedford-St Pancras commuters when their long-awaited new electric trains were laid up in the sidings while BR and the rail unions hammered each other over one-man operation .
30 A strange feeling of expectation mixed with our fear as we became caught up in the thrill of the hunt .
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