Example sentences of "up of a " in BNC.

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1 A film is made up of a series of shots that may be photographed over various periods of time ; a ‘ take ’ that may have originally started out as three or four minutes in length may eventually be edited to a ten second shot .
2 The setting up of a new form of Ulster Club organization involving paramilitary activity in the wake of the Anglo-Irish accord of 1985 , is an added dimension to the struggle for power within the alliance .
3 Phrases such as striving for the setting up of a ‘ Workers ’ republic' and the establishment of ‘ public ownership ’ were excised , as they were seen by the members of an affiliated teachers ' union , and ultimately by the bishops , to counter church doctrine ( Whyte 1980 : 82–4 ; Keogh 1982 : 7 , 77 n.5 ) .
4 In 1978 , the mould was broken with the setting up of a private interdenominational primary school in Belfast , enabled by a special act of Parliament .
5 This was followed by setting up of a voluntary multi-denominational school at secondary level , Lagan College , in 1981 .
6 In a survey with a 75 per cent response rate undertaken by the residents ' association on its new housing estate , some two-thirds of the respondents favoured the setting up of a multi-denominational school .
7 Sir : If Labour is to suggest the setting up of a specialist labour court ( 30 September ) , then such a momentous change in the industrial relations system deserves more discussion , and needs to be taken out of the hot-house of Labour Party conference politics .
8 In a related development , the government has recently decided to approve the setting up of a ‘ national airline ’ and is currently thinking about who should own it .
9 The conference voted by 4,592,000 votes to 1,443,000 to reject a motion advocating the setting up of a working party to consider options for electoral reform .
10 The plan is that a new company , soon to be renamed LWT ( Holdings ) , will buy in all of LWT 's shares , paying one new preferred share plus a package worth 130p made up of a special dividend of 60p , an associated tax credit of 20p and either loan notes or cash worth 50p .
11 JOHN MAJOR , the Foreign Secretary , yesterday announced the setting up of a £25m aid fund for Hungary as he set before the conference what he called a ‘ common sense ’ approach for Conservatives in Europe .
12 The award and the ceremony itself were instigated by the British Fashion Council , which tried every tactic it could -including the setting up of a smarter venue at The Duke of York 's Barracks -to persuade Katharine Hamnett to show in London .
13 After all , if you can borrow ( or exchange your existing UK mortgage where you are paying rates at the highest level in real terms for over a century ) for a Swiss franc mortgage at around 9.5 per cent , a mark mortgage at just under 10 per cent , an Ecu mortgage ( Ecu is the European currency unit which is made up of a ‘ basket ’ of 10 currencies including sterling ) at about 10 per cent or a Japanese yen mortgage at just under 8 per cent , why not do so ?
14 Defending the family as the centre of human life and the village as the basic social unit Eliot expresses his preference for London over other cities since it remains characteristically made up of a collection of villages whose borders touch , each maintaining its own local character .
15 Most of the conglomerates which were made up of a disparate collection of businesses have failed .
16 The Situationist Scrapbook includes only two synoptical essays , the rest being made up of a selection of documents produced in various parts of Europe and Britain from the fifties to the eighties , some of which predate the founding of the Situationist International ( henceforth the ‘ SI' ) .
17 Cork is made up of a myriad of tiny cells , each imprisoning a tiny pocket of air .
18 Most hunts are made up of a complete cross-section of society , the only qualification being an ability to ride .
19 In a passage which is bound to be seen as highly controversial in the present situation in East Germany , Sir Leon said : ‘ If Germany 's partners give the impression of being opposed to reunification this will only increase what is at present a small risk : that some in Germany may be tempted to seek reunification on the basis of doing a unilateral deal with the Soviet Union , involving the setting up of a new unified German state outside the Community .
20 The community was not homogenous , but made up of a multitude of different groups with different attitudes and beliefs , while ‘ relations within the community , between different groups , are significantly outside the control of the police ’ .
21 If the PNC Declaration of Independence constituted a major landmark in this process , the time has come to embark on another major step , that of declaring the setting up of a state or government structure .
22 Germany has also resisted the setting up of a unified life assurance market .
23 Britain 's invisible earnings , which are made up of a surplus on things like insurance and banking offset by government contributions to the European Community and overseas aid , are now projected to be about £2,670million in 1989 , less than half the £6,100million total earned in 1988 .
24 The president of Kazakhstan has gone further and demanded the setting up of a coalition government .
25 One of the more curious recent products of the Bush administration has been the hyping up of a new anti-poverty idea in terms that sound more like black radicalism of the 1960s .
26 Either they were made up of a large number of bronze rods , hammered to shape and soldered together .
27 The infill of the cave is made up of a wide variety of materials , from silts to large stones , and the radioactive content of these materials is similarly variable .
28 A mikva is central to the setting up of a Jewish community , and building a mikva is even more of a priority than building a synagogue .
29 But even the grand measures had their component parts , were made up of a multitude of successes and failures : the outcome of the co-operative movement in Ajdabiya depended on a variety of judgements — by officials , by shopkeepers and by customers — and hence on the social relation which affected them .
30 The Welsh Rugby Union , meanwhile , have announced the setting up of a new National Development Player Committee ( NDPC ) which will assist senior players of international potential , and also monitor and evaluate more technical and administrative elements associated with the performance of national senior squads .
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