Example sentences of "up its [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The NPA declared that it would step up its insurgency and launch attacks " without prejudice to all relief and rehabilitation efforts " .
2 SUPPORT or INTERVENTION : When a government intervenes in market to prop up its currency .
3 Jaguar retreated 32p to 653p with stories flowing that Ford had given up its pursuit and planned to buy 50 per cent of the Swedish Saab group .
4 It was also the home of the Brooklands Automobile Racing Club whose motto , ‘ The right crowd and no crowding ’ , neatly summed up its attitude — not for nothing has it been called the Ascot of the motor racing world .
5 Last spring , a whitethroat set up its territory in a field of rape near my home .
6 The independence of the pro-nuclear experts having been challenged , the DUC decided it needed to mobilize outside expertise to back up its position .
7 We are used to the Labour party believing that it can talk up its support by talking the country down .
8 The prosecution was allowed to sum up its evidence in secret hearing as part of it had been given in camera .
9 Dr Williams has also taken his campaign to the Kennel Club , and I feel he is in no small way responsible for having persuaded that eminent body to tighten up its act .
10 Since the early 70s , the local council of Yorkshire 's largest industrial city has been cleaning up its act .
11 The fastest growing city in the United States , with a population of over one million , Las Vegas , once home to the heavy mob and every form of conceivable vice , has cleaned up its act .
12 But , like showbusiness , it may take a year before EuroDisney polishes up its act .
13 ‘ The industry has cleaned up its act in the last few years and we import from restricted countries , ’ said the timber merchant .
14 Four areas in which manufacturing industry could clean up its act — industrial solvents , greenhouse gas emissions , effluent production and materials recycling — are discussed .
15 Unless the region can clean up its act , there will be little chance of balancing its future development with the needs of its people .
16 The children might take on the roles of factory workers who stand to lose their jobs if the factory cleans up its act .
17 British Rail is cleaning up its act .
18 His Honour John Slack in allowing the appeal told the RSPCA that it needed to clean up its act if it was to secure future prosecutions .
19 Health watchdogs are calling on a hospital to clean up its act .
20 RESIDENTS fed up with dirty water coming out of their taps have told Northumbrian Water to clean up its act .
21 Staff at the company 's Middlesbrough office were subsequently sacked and SureStyle promised to clean up its act .
22 Meanwhile , the Mayor of Langbaurgh , Councillor Arthur Harvison , officially launched Wilton 's Nylon reed beds pilot project with a strong tribute to the efforts ICI is making to clean up its act .
23 A few tall plants ( or upright stones or bogwood ) just in front of the back of the tank will add to the impression of depth , as they contrast with the background paper , breaking up its flatness .
24 Since 1990 Televisa has pushed up its ad prices at a rate five times that of consumer-price inflation .
25 If the Bank of England puts up its rediscount rate , discount houses will have to put up their rate of discount on bills ( i.e. pay a lower price for them ) .
26 And can you imagine what the Harris Tweed lounge covers look like after a free range toddler has snacked and sicked up its holiday treats ?
27 Arrow Electronics , already US-wide distributors of Sun workstations and servers , has picked up its SparcEngine 2 and SparcEngine IPX boards , marking their entrance into the reseller channel .
28 has had to tear up its election coverage plans because tory ministers are scared to meet top industrialists .
29 Breastfeeding speeds up its return to normal size after birth .
30 He denied suggestions that Hewlett-Packard might give up its Precision Architecture RISC architecture for the IBM-Apple Computer Inc-Motorola Inc PowerPC , but said the two firms are ‘ technically close ’ , and that Hewlett-Packard is ‘ flexible ’ .
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