Example sentences of "up for [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 All the others will get a handout from any funds set up for whatever reason , Douglas .
2 Which the big glass will not only deny but show up for what it is : narcissism , regression , the refusal to see things as they are .
3 Somewhat forbidding socially because of shyness , Dorothea had an absolute integrity which made her stand up for what she believed should be done .
4 She relates how she , like many other miners , wives , sells foodstuffs in the street in order to make up for what her husband 's wage does not cover in necessities .
5 At 2am on Friday , opinion pollsters , who led everyone to take their eyes off the ball , were cut down to size and shown up for what they are : a waster of money
6 We 've got to show these criminals up for what they really are .
7 I am not happy when something unfair happens to someone else and I try to stand up for what is right .
8 Be prepared to be the first one to stand up for what is right when something wrong is being done to or said about someone .
9 She tended to be over-indulgent with Victoria , partly because she could see herself in the child and partly too , in some perverse fashion , to make up for what she considered to be her own harsh upbringing under Jonadab 's strict rules .
10 When Nick and the Bad Seeds take the stage though , the cosiness of most indie pop is shown up for what it is in the harsh light of some feral and shadowy music .
11 In calling for a vote on European union , TODAY is speaking up for what most of us have wanted for a long time .
12 ‘ I stood up for what 's right .
13 There is no doubt in my mind that the many years spent wrestling indifferent cars around the track , trying to make up for what Lauda calls the ‘ evil ’ that dwells in all of them , must take its toll .
14 If you get stuck in submissiveness you will often seek forgiveness and try endlessly to make up for what you have done !
15 Despite its shortcomings and my own , working on Switchboard gave me the tools to work out some sort of political consciousness , the level of articulacy required to stand up for what I started to believe in and the confidence to take the sort of shit that comes to any woman who does that , anywhere .
16 ‘ My mind was fixed on the tribunal most of the day , then I spent four hours travelling up for what I thought would be a place on the bench .
17 ‘ On 20 October , President Mobutu 's government interrupted and shut down radio and TV programmes broadcast by the Church of Zaire because they were exhorting people to stand up for what they believe is right .
18 I certainly both dreaded and disliked the prospect of the law and order debate , for the atmosphere was so strangely hostile and so different from that accorded to all one 's colleagues … pressure and even bullying by so-called ‘ hangers and floggers ’ served only to force Conservative MPs who were against hanging to stand up for what they believed to be right .
19 What for the insider might be the purification of a defensible religion by its exposure to scientific criticism , would for the outsider be one more step along the path to destruction as an inherently implausible account of human destiny was shown up for what it is .
20 Stick up for what you believe — but with calm and intelligence , and when a client can not be persuaded , put the matter to one side .
21 I mean lunch time we were hearing how , because they stood up for what was right , it was over the killing of soldiers and that , this man job and actually he more or less said that he was something wrong with his head did n't he ?
22 Whether I 'll be remembered as the most pompous , hard-to-get-along-with person they 've ever come across , because I stand up for what I believe in , or as the best athlete Britain 's ever had , which I think will be the case , I 'll always be remembered . ’
23 I 'm sure Father Chris would be pleased to hear that and would be very flattered to hear that as well but erm he 's erm I 'm sure he does try to live by those rules because er obviously that 's one of the bases of his life but erm I was thinking more in terms of somebody who stood up for themse stood up for what they believe in in a situation where it was difficult .
24 Showed him up for what he really is .
25 This May , you are being asked to vote in the Oxford City Council Elections , when our Labour City and County Councils have been shown up for what they are — with no concern for the people to whom they are responsible .
26 But to make up for what he did n't pay he left a hundred pound to the kirk .
27 But Pete , I may be a bit of a shit mysel' and not exactly a paragon of virtues , and mebbee I 'm not what I made people think I was , but that does n't mean that it is n't true — ; the greed of the bourgeoisie , the oppression , the need to show it up for what it is .
28 These were people who knew how the business worked , understood local markets — and were prepared to stand up for what they knew and believed .
29 Mr Smith geared up for what threatens to become an all-out running battle with the Government , by accusing John Major of ‘ deceit ’ .
30 And standing up for what you choose to believe against those wicked people who just want you to believe what they tell you .
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