Example sentences of "up [coord] they " in BNC.

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1 Well all the young they were , they were either called up or they vol volunteered .
2 When I was young in the Sixties , children either turned up or they did n't . ’
3 They told him to shut up or they 'd kill him
4 But you know erm if , if , if you look back to the days of the Raj erm it was a even within my living memory , erm people were joining the armed services or the overseas er er corp and the civil service overseas I suppose , yeah , er at a , at a fairly humble level and would either work their way up or they drink themselves stupid or they get mixed up with someone or they , you know but it was a , a , a recognized way of , of , of going , you know , either join the services or the
5 The lights would go up and they would serve tea .
6 A big van pulls up and they stick their stuff inside and get in , but just before they go , the man with the fog horn thing turns round and says all friendly like , ‘ Happy Christmas ’ .
7 Lee picked it up and they looked at it .
8 Hill 's slashed Pursuit of Love 's price to 8–1 from 33–1 , while the first offer of 10–1 by Coral 's immediately after the race was quickly snapped up and they now offer 7–1 .
9 Furness extended a hand to help him up and they walked down the track together .
10 After a concert or disco , if you 've arranged for someone to pick you up and they do n't arrive — speak to the organisers and ask them if you can phone home .
11 During the coldness they are not better ( > ) by heat or covering up and they still want cold drinks despite chattering teeth and aching bones ; tossing and turning .
12 If it started to snow , say at four o'clock , we would have what we called snowmen — and we would knock them up and they would come running to get a day 's work in the snow .
13 You had to know your Instruction Book very well , because if you locked someone up and they got away with it , next day in court , there was a chance that you might be deemed excessive in your law and of course then you were on your own .
14 I 've only got to pick the phone up and they 're up here like a shot .
15 As soon as Dennis arrived , she would bandage him up and they would be on their way by five thirty .
16 As the hills get steeper and the runner is slowing down , the drinker catches up and they finish together .
17 I 've had some success with Paul Reed Smith guitars , which you can virtually take out of the box , tune them up and they 're ready to go . ’
18 ‘ When I walked into the studio Blixa had his body miked up and they were punching him to get a bass drum beat .
19 I ad-libbed for a few minutes while the re-take was set up and they warmed to me , which boosted my confidence and gave me the edge .
20 ‘ I take her up and they allow me to sign .
21 Or perhaps he cheered up and they had to get rid of him .
22 I think they believe that all they have to do is to turn up and they 'll beat the rest of us .
23 I ring up and they say ‘ it 'll be three weeks ’ — I could be out on the streets by then . ’
24 Then I thought … well , as it happens , I did know that the old lady — MM Hamilton — had died earlier this year , and of course that could have meant that Dad 's job had packed up and they 'd had to move .
25 The bus pulled up and they jumped on it , going upstairs so they could smoke .
26 ‘ They know the anniversary 's coming up and they want to start the whole damn Reconciliation over again . ’
27 print them up and they do it on their own will .
28 ‘ There 's lots o' seats to set up and they want a nice big pulpit built , ’ the Nark continued , beginning to enjoy himself despite the possible danger to their freedom .
29 But campaigning groups will not give up and they continue to demand conditions that will lead to broader participation .
30 It hit me when I phoned up and they said those two had gone .
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