Example sentences of "up [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 As at Knossos and Mallia , the temple grew up symbiotically with its adjacent town , but at Zakro we can see the whole urban structure .
2 The race has cut up badly with virtually no other opposition from England although the Irish team is a strong one , but Opera House , who is trained by Michael Stoute looks to have the credentials to take this one in style and give a rejuvenated Michael Roberts another big race success .
3 These were wrapped up together with a pair of white satin shoes .
4 It begins with a look at the various types of looms and how to set them up together with full details on how to operate each type , with hints and tips on weaving procedures .
5 But the fifth element that motivated Wall Street appears to have come up only with Norman Rockwell and Jackson Pollock .
6 Any problem areas can be touched up manually with a Dalo Etch-Resist pen .
7 Instead , I 'm woken up gently with a strong cup of black coffee . ’
8 I prefer crimson or deep orange rather than pillar-box red , as these colours show up better with a dark contrast colour and look more realistic .
9 In the past , people might settle up annually with fishmongers , blacksmiths , dressmakers , and so forth .
10 This does not tie up entirely with the records of Hal Far , which noted that three Fulmars went up , and that one was damaged and the pilot slightly wounded .
11 Is there something significant in this , that the blackbird scolding through the bonny banks makes a heart that is weary and full of care , well up inside with pain ?
12 Gus put a hand to its edge and lifted , and the cover rose on its rim , and showed them a glimpse of a deep shaft dropping into darkness , partially silted up below with rubble .
13 Lord Grubb was an ancient hereditary peer who kept up eagerly with the times and was trying at the moment to unlock his capital to set up a chain of waffle shops .
14 Alida had need of company , a variety of faces , after the years of being shut up alone with her mother .
15 It could explain the terrified silence that reigned every time they were locked up alone with him .
16 The top was of gleaming steel which Mrs Curdle rubbed up daily with emery paper , hissing gently to herself like a groom to a horse , as her busy hand slid back and forth across the satin of the surface .
17 There is a kind of Cabinet question time ( Kabinettsbefragung ) but it is not especially popular : most members ' work is taken up largely with committee work .
18 ‘ An hotel such as this , and filling up already with Slavs .
19 ‘ I hope to get fixed up soon with another club .
20 I can pick the cigar up just with my eye-power and push it and pull it in the air any way I want ! ’
21 The long , slender pelvic fins are drawn up flush with the underside of the body , while the pectoral fins lie flat against the sides .
22 Occasionally you may need an extra thickness of card to bring the contents up flush with the frame
23 The face of the rail has to be planed down until it lines up flush with both front and back legs .
24 There are various devices on the market to help solve this problem , and the Basingstoke-based Award Design company have produced the Quad-FX , which not only mixes and balances effects in parallel ( in effect , each one goes in individually , not one behind the other ) , but will also make all your processors and stomp boxes compatible , and offers adjustment of the input and output levels so each unit lines up individually with your amp 's effects loop .
25 But the so-called free-running or circadian rhythm , is only roughly 24 hours long and does not tie up exactly with day length .
26 Al Phizacklea 's drawings are incomparable and I love the one of Gable Crag which , when the pages are folded back like in novelty production , mates up exactly with the frontispiece .
27 This means tilting the rear mortise to line up with the front leg , which will mean in turn that the side rail will not line up exactly with the back leg .
28 Are you going up tonight with your da like ?
29 Are you going up tonight with your da like ?
30 Nick Harris reporting , and of course we 'll be going back to the Manor ground shortly and catching up hopefully with Nick Harris and some of Oxford United players .
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