Example sentences of "out and [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Somebody once said to me ’ a reel is a reel , it holds line , lets it out and retrieves it ’ .
2 SATURDAY Nick Hancock Hugely enjoyable blast-off comedian who , like some smirking , behind-the-sheds schoolboy takes a list of his pet hates out of his pocket , lays them out and talks you through them one by one .
3 Willie reaches out and takes two for himself .
4 And he ca n't get the note out of his pocket and his trousers are all stuck to his bum , and he ca n't get them out and he 's digging it looks like he 's digging out his pants he 's going he pulls it out and takes the envelope off nearly and the waves are coming at him and he goes to read it and the wind blows it away .
5 Most things are played with conviction , most things have neat tunes and , although nothing ever leaps out and changes your life ‘ Paul Weller ’ is a decent record for a bastard hot sticky day .
6 On impact the ARC flares out and springs back into shape as the foot comes back to its original position and shape .
7 Ice crystallizes out and accumulates in a surface layer which thickens and consolidates ; on calm nights with air temperatures well below freezing point a layer 20 cm deep may form overnight and be firm enough to take the weight of a man by morning .
8 If he do n't , if he comes out and decides to do something else he 's well and truly
9 Dominique gets out and sits on the surprisingly long bonnet .
10 When one drops out and sits by the fire , another member comes along and
11 But a hand comes out and grabs me .
12 Because — no harm in saying it once again — this is the essence of the private-eye novel : that its hero actively goes out and grabs to himself the facts that he needs .
13 The subtle vibrations of our mind reaches out and touches the minds of all others .
14 Owen : When George , or you Robert … or you Carol walks out and slams the door that means the teacher has to give up time they could be giving to the others in the class , the ones who need the help .
15 It works from the inside out and penetrates the hair shaft to rebuild and strengthen your hair .
16 But down the road Diana gets out and travels back to London in another car .
17 Every now and again one of these vehicles swings out and surges past , splattering her side windows with filth and making the little Renault stagger under the impact of displaced air .
18 ‘ She still manages to stick her fingers in the swabs with monotonous regularity , then she says ‘ Ooops ! ’ , grins and chucks them out and opens another pack . ’
19 But if you leave it on the back of the paper it slowly dries out and turns bright yellow , staining the paper in the process .
20 They argue that major innovations in products , or production techniques , are bunched together every fifty years or so and , when they occur , they have pervasive effects , generating a long boom which eventually peters out and turns into a slump .
21 Described by one author as the Jekyll and Hyde Cat , this animal suddenly lashes out and attacks its friendly owner 's hand .
22 The road rises sharply here as the tunnel fans out and climbs back into the air .
23 So the plan for the afternoon is , it 's now five to four so if David goes out and tidies up the hut .
24 what the ninth years did this year was Rob gave them a pep talk and and there 's a booklet , Choices , he gives out and asks them
25 He takes her out and spoils her rotten like !
26 While the clock is chiming , there is also a 50% chance per character per round of being attacked by another object in the room : the rocking-horse bites , a chair leg strikes at a shin , a table drawer flies out and strikes a vicious blow in the stomach , a toy soldier stabs at an ankle , and so on .
27 Oh , very often my wife goes out and digs one up on Christmas Eve and that has happened regular .
28 As ovulation approaches , its usual thick and sticky texture thins out and becomes more elastic .
29 We have no official tea break but sometimes one of us goes out and gets tea for the others .
30 He will get a hernia from supporting me in a variety of undignified positions and I shall finally insist on delivering under water so that the midwife puts her back out and gets wet .
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