Example sentences of "out more and " in BNC.

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1 Hitler had to live out more and more the constructed image of omnipotence and omniscience .
2 Please try and come along to your AGM on 26th February at to find out more and to give the committee your views and opinions .
3 ‘ Having said that , we have managed to carve out more and more independence over the past few years .
4 If we say we can not afford it , the reply is that we pay out more and more millions of pounds in unemployment benefit .
5 As eating-time continues , the body sends out more and more satiety signals , but it is estimated that it takes about twenty minutes for a meal to have its full effect in filling our stomachs and sending out all the other physical signals of sufficiency .
6 To spend her days reading and writing and finding out more and talking to people , and to spend no time at all trying to outwit awful people like Mother Clare .
7 I like to put a pale colour behind a darkish one to make the dark colour stand out more and a dark colour dropped in just at one point behind a light colour to make the paleness improve .
8 ‘ Slowly I found out more and more about my marvellous father and though my mother — or perhaps because my mother — cherished his memory like that of nobody else , I found out she had lied to me about him .
9 I was finding out more and more about my quarry 's life .
10 There are several ways that you can find out more and let the Regional Council know what you think about the Draft Structure Plan :
11 The last time they were in office Labour said the same thing , those earning less than a certain amount would not pay tax , however , in reality everybody paid out more and remember Harold Wilson 's pound in your pocket speech ?
12 yeah , that 's the core but it needs fleshing out more and a has agreed that you know it 's if you just stuck to the Editor 's Handbook it 's too narrow and it does need , I mean B A I E in London thus far are being extremely helpful if slightly cautious and I 've to go down and talk to the revamped education committee when the revamped education committee gets around to having a meeting
13 Of course , erm there 's a lot more individual responsibility is needed than that , but it 's too simplistic to say that that erm to smile upon these people who have problems would solve everything erm but erm to make it your own responsibility to find out more and to find out the ways in which you can help I think is very important and is everybody 's responsibility .
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