Example sentences of "who is [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Stuart , Andrew who is everyone was available we would n't have a problem , but
2 Sharon is a cordon bleu trained cook and provides an excellent five-course table d'hôte menu whilst Attilio , who is something of an amateur but enthusiastic wine expert , will advise you on a suitable choice of wine .
3 Equally ( as I have suggested ) it is difficult for her to have a God who is something other than a force ( perhaps a human idea ) present within history .
4 If you have succeeded in fully engaging the sympathies of your readers you will probably have produced for them a main character who is something more than a stereotype , who has about him or her a good deal of the complexity of real life .
5 Galway Plate winner The Gooser runs for Paddy Mullins who had n't a great record in the race while Arthur Moore who is something of a specialist in the other Liverpool races ca n't have very high hopes of New Mill House .
6 Why is such splendour about you , to lure the heart of one who is nothing ?
7 Who is nothing
8 I know Roy 's limitations , as does he , but there must be a physical presence to offset the rest of the midfield ’ was the coach 's verdict on a man who is one short of 50 caps .
9 ‘ So who is yer mother ?
10 Who is we ? ’
11 Who is we ? ’
12 ‘ Just who is we ? ’
13 Surely it is God , Moses implies , who is their mother and nurse , and as such he , or rather she , must provide food for her people .
14 Only the male , in turn , can represent Christ , the paradigm of perfect humanity united to the Word of God.s According to Augustine , women also lack the image of God in themselves , and are related to the divine image only under the male ‘ who is their head ’ .
15 Teachers have always been somewhat confused as to who is their client .
16 Rachel , who is their first baby , was born eight months ago .
17 Who is their leader ? ’
18 Who is their president at the moment ? ’
19 They are about to kill Simon who is their only sign of hope therefore when they do accidentally kill him , the island is almost like hell with no good on it .
20 The context insists that the right object of anger is the one who is its truly justified object .
21 Written late in the 2nd millennium BC to honour Marduk , god of Babylon , who is its hero , it begins with a watery mother-figure , Tiamat , from whom the gods are born .
22 The Coordinator is finally responsible to the Head of Area Staff who is himself/herself responsible to the Head of UK/I for ensuring that UK/I priorities for work are pursued in Regions and Nations .
23 Who is her famous husband ?
24 Who is her father , Luney ? ’
25 Then I fell in love with Tom , who is everything I 've ever wanted in a partner .
26 In his ‘ A Study of English poetry ’ , which ran in The English Review from March to June 1912 , Newbolt refers to Pound as ‘ a critic , who is himself a poet , and whom I always read with great interest ’ .
27 In the Poetry Review for February , 1912 , a critic , who is himself a poet , and whom I always read with great interest , speaks of the struggle ‘ to find out what has been done , once and for all , better than it can ever be done again , and to find out what remains for us to do ’ … .
28 Shilton , who is himself injured , has just 14 full-time professionals to choose from for the visit of Hartlepool after losing Just when Shilton thought things were looking up for his Second Division side before the 3-2 FA Cup win over Peterborough , he lost striker Paul Boardman with a foot injury and on-loan defender Richard Dryden with a groin injury .
29 The walk was started by T.V. star Fred Wedlock who is himself a railway enthusiast .
30 The reason for Mr Ojukwu 's new enthusiasm for the right is the choice of a Christian Ibo from the east , Sylvester Ugoh , as running-mate for Mr Tofa , who is himself a Muslim from the Hausa heartland in the north .
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