Example sentences of "her [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Striding away from the house , Carolyn stubbed her toe badly on a brick end and had to sit down to nurse it .
2 He could n't really think that she would stop her investigations just because of a few threats ?
3 We wanted to know whether Ruby and her kind ever used another object to modify the rocks or sticks they found , to make true tools , in the human sense .
4 Jane Austen may seem in Sense and Sensibility to join with Edward in preferring cottages in good repair , even at the cost of the picturesque ; but on another occasion , in Northanger Abbey , she appears to side with Catherine , who is so delighted by the view of ‘ a sweet little cottage ’ among apple trees which she sees from the windows of the parsonage at Woodston that her enthusiasm even saves it from demolition .
5 Just her enthusiasm alone .
6 Yes , she likes her tea-bag really strong .
7 And she claims her GP even told her that any defects the baby might have would be minor and easily put right .
8 ‘ Just the one ? ’ he asked easily , taking up her case just as she reached for it .
9 I wrote to Mrs. X to inform her that I would take her case up with Ministers at the Ministry of Defence .
10 The registrar rescinded the automatic reference to arbitration on the grounds that the plaintiff needed legal representation in order to present her case properly and the costs burden on her in an arbitration would therefore be unfair .
11 She carefully packed her case again , then scanned the tidy bedroom and bathroom with some satisfaction .
12 As she flopped down in a corner seat , Constance looked at the man pushing her case on to the rack opposite .
13 Thus Caroline Norton , who was the subject of a trumped up crim. con. suit and who lost the custody of her children , is portrayed as a simple victim , albeit in her case not a passive one .
14 In a further affidavit they put her case more clearly in the following terms :
15 Her case only came to light because the Health Authority meeting were mistakenly sent to the media .
16 She defended her case so well that the prior gave judgement in her favour .
17 Had she been stating her case too forcibly ?
18 She stopped and put her case down for a moment to try and collect herself ; her hands were trembling uncontrollably from the weight .
19 In the opinion of many people , Gordon Sloan , the Reporter on attachment from Strathclyde Region to replace Mrs Kemp , did not inspire trust or confidence , and there was a renewed call for the Secretary of State to deal with her case as soon as possible .
20 He jerked her case upright , tight-lipped , and put it by the door for her , but relaxed in exasperated pity as he watched her start to check her handbag for the third time .
21 Heavens ! she thought , and was suddenly so impatient with herself that , seeing it was only for one night , for goodness ' sake , she grabbed hold of a favourite dress and folded that into her case along with some trousers and a spare lightweight sweater .
22 The dark eyes slanted in her direction briefly and then looked away .
23 The struggling teenagers , cheered on by their friends , were lurching un her direction again .
24 His head jerked up in her direction then went back to studying the ground .
25 His dark eyes flickered briefly in her direction then he set his mouth in grim lines .
26 ‘ You know you 're not telling me the truth , Barbara , ’ said Cardiff , shining the torch in her direction now that Jimmy Devlin 's torches arrangement was lighting up the basement like the stage of some avant-garde theatre .
27 The next thing was one of lift , right , her shirt right up , she had a black , like silk bra on and pushes her tits together and the next thing was waves her bra about !
28 Nicola was crying softly , held in the crook of Helen 's arm , her shirt wide open .
29 Warm hands spanned her ribcage , and worked the fabric of her shirt slowly upwards .
30 " Hullo my darlings , " Nicandra stood in a blinding shaft of sun , one hand held her shirt up to her chin , " How are you ? "
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