Example sentences of "make [pron] go " in BNC.

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1 On the morrow the Cid took Doña Ximena by the hand , and her daughters with her , and made them go up upon the highest tower of the Alcazar , and they looked toward the sea and saw the great power of the Moors , how they came on and drew nigh , and began to pitch their tents round about Valencia , beating their tambours and with great uproar .
2 What if it made them go deeper ?
3 Okay there was thirty two baskets brought them all out made them gone off .
4 Sunday nights have always been a problem for the serious cinemagoer , since this is the night that brings out the lads whose parents do n't make them go to bed early before a fresh week at school begins .
5 By gum , he could make them go !
6 Unfortunately that did n't make them go away .
7 Surely they would n't make them go the whole distance in the dark ?
8 to sort of make them go round
9 They fed these children with these tablets that would make them go and the parents were rushing out and buying tablets to make the children intel the children intelligent .
10 ‘ They ca n't make me go there . ’
11 He would just make me go and wipe it all off .
12 " I wo n't go , you ca n't make me go ! "
13 You ca n't make me go back with you .
14 There are times these days when I feel so starved of warmth that the instructions on a painkiller packet or vitamin tub ( " At the first sign of a cold developing be sure to … " ) can make me go all husky and brave .
15 ‘ Nothing would make me go in there , ’ she said , scrambling down the steps .
16 D' ya know for kids , they 're the only kids that can show , that can make me go bright red !
17 Then I 'd disappear for days and make everyone go crazy with worry while I whooped it up down the nearest alley with some ear-tom tom .
18 ‘ They never made me go to auditions — it was just something that came up .
19 The humbucker carries a clean sound well , although there 's a hint of midrange that made me go for the coil-tap to keep things sounding sweet .
20 Mum made me go into town with her to spend my Christmas money on clothes .
21 The DHSS made me go to see them every day — I had a broken bone in my ankle but they still made me go every day !
22 The DHSS made me go to see them every day — I had a broken bone in my ankle but they still made me go every day !
23 What made me go out that night when , normally , I would have stayed in and watched television ?
24 About three months before I finally , I was husband made me go to the doctor or go to the doctors for me and that 's when I realized it was depression I did n't know anything about it then .
25 The only thing that made me go into any routine was Pam .
26 Mama made me go to school , but I crept back home just before noon .
27 The last time I saw her was when Benedict Joseph shoved her into his car outside the Villa Fiesole , and Philippe made me go with him to Nice . ’
28 You see , it was really my dad that made me go along with the Church , even though he did n't really involve himself .
29 ‘ Oh , they made me go into the army .
30 They made me go through the whole thing three times , though I had hardly anything to tell them .
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