Example sentences of "make [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It has one activity which must make Winterthur the envy of other musical centres .
2 ( 188 ) can be compared with ( 154 ) — ( 156 ) above : make evokes the production of an effect for which the " maker " is wholly responsible , there being no other factor but the behaviour of the agent " you " involved in bringing about this effect ( contrast ( 182 ) in this respect , where room is left for other factors to intervene ) .
3 In I made him eat his potatoes , similarly , where the realizer of eat is " him " only , the person referred to by the direct object is represented as being involved in eating at the same time during which he is the object of the causation denoted by make : since make evokes the idea of " producing an effect " , it is impossible to conceive the making as being under way before the effect has started coming into existence .
4 The Companies Act ( CA ) 1985 , s151 will prevent the purchaser from using the assets of the company or a subsidiary as security for a loan made to enable the purchaser to buy the shares in that company .
5 Pulling his sweater up over his nose and mouth to filter out the worst of the smoke , he left the Control and made to ascend the stairs .
6 Nevertheless , it is his questions , his ways of telling and , for want of a better phrase , his search in life that make Lepage the avant-garde artist he is .
7 Once the channel has been selected ( with or without bass shift ) using the requisite button , a patch can be selected and adjustments made using the Data wheel in conjunction with the volume , gain and EQ buttons .
8 UltraFAX was the best of the bundled packages I looked at , by a long way , and made using the Ascom AM2496F a joy .
9 These works lie in the area between computer-generated works and works made using the programmed computer as a tool .
10 At first the flats had been let to carefully chosen tenants and an attempt made to preserve the modest amenities ; the square of lawn bordering the road , the two rose beds , the hanging windowboxes on each of the balconies .
11 In Nina 's stories it is Modigliani who was pushed off the bench , made to carry the beer in for a party .
12 Here make denotes the direct involvement of its agent in the production of the comments : it is the " Kohnstamm-negative subjects " themselves who emit comments in ( 136 ) above .
13 The s the point I would make is that first of all I do n't accept that twelve thousand seven hundred is er a tenable figure but that , probably the more important point is that there has to be a policy response , and a policy response to this issue demands that there is at least some response to the mi to the level of migration er you know my my my view has been put forward very clearly about that , but I would simply make make the point for the record that even accepting one hundred percent migration , there is no statistical case for a new settlement .
14 He said suing the building society would only delay matters and make resolving the problem more costly .
15 In virtually equating doubt and unbelief they make doubt the opposite of faith in a way that is true neither to the Bible nor to what we know of human knowledge .
16 The bill brings a host of new controls and regulations which , if fully implemented , would make polluting the environment an expensive option both for industry and individuals .
17 Quality also is to be addressed with efforts made to increase the number of accredited companies and to introduce a Scotland-wide individual-consultant accreditation scheme .
18 The open-air Museum shows buildings removed from the Ulster countryside and re-erected at Cultra in a setting made to resemble the landscape from which they came .
19 Following the systems exercise and a full report to the client , the structures at two Colleges were examined in detail and revisions made to reflect the new requirements .
20 He 's been told he and twenty nine other senior council officers will have to pay back golden handshake payments made to streamline the council 's management .
21 He recognized that some attempts had been made to cultivate the seeds of Natural Reason into something worthwhile .
22 In a letter to Horsley nine days later he wrote : ‘ I believe that if the decision is made to go the way of the Sun , the tragedy will be of historic proportions .
23 Colin Farrell 's lovely performance had humour-inevitably the kids loved his ‘ Humbugs ! ’ — and not a little pathos as the old skinflint was made to see the error of his ways .
24 Irresponsible owners should be made to see the threat they cause not only to dogs , but to the responsible dog owner .
25 No attempt has been made to see the needs of legally aided clients as different from those of fee-paying clients .
26 Lees ( FoE ) said that countries should be made to restore the damaged environment to an acceptable state through practical action and if the country refused to do this only then should financial penalties by imposed .
27 Isagoras invoked the aid of King Cleomenes of Sparta , and an attempt was made to restore the aristocratic oligarchy .
28 Great efforts have been made to restore the salmon runs on rivers in the American north-east , only for 70-90 per cent of the fish to be caught when they reach the rich feeding grounds off the west coast of Greenland .
29 This brief diversion into the cultural and political history of Germany , the USSR and China has been made to emphasise the way that a state may determine artistic production , and thence art criticism .
30 Once this is done , attempts can be made to curb the body 's tendency to destroy its own betacells , using immunosuppressive drugs .
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