Example sentences of "who [vb base] through " in BNC.

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1 Colleagues who suffer through the menopause sometimes ca n't afford to pay the high cost of a pre-paid prescription charge .
2 While the Secretary of State is looking at that , however , will he also take a look at the idiots who race through these roadworks ?
3 Yes it will , and the few who slip through the net will be denied legal aid to argue their case .
4 The famous case of Derek Bentley , who was hanged in Britain , was a classic example of the kind of people who slip through the cracks in the US and end up being executed , says Mr Stafford Smith .
5 BY 1984 those who sift through your files in police stations , hospitals and local authority housing departments could be talking with artificial intelligence .
6 They 're going to lend money for long term projects , and the people of Lincolnshire , who benefit through those projects for years to come , will be paying modestly for years to come .
7 The legendary performer 's past and present are unmasked to reveal the politicians , mobsters and movie star who parade through his life .
8 ‘ They 're the kind of people who walk through you if you get in their way .
9 Yeah but it 's not so nice for people who look through the windows is it ?
10 But contrast the reaction to football fans who run through a town creating damage as they go with the reaction to university students during rag week creating similar damage .
11 Installing cameras at dangerous road junctions to film those who drive through red traffic lights .
12 … watching vigilantly the movements of all suspicious persons who pass through his beat …
13 Second , both these latter people , and the so-called ‘ oilies ’ who pass through the local airport on the way to the oil rigs , are much less respectable than the more permanent residents in Dunrossness .
14 ‘ Guests who pass through our door are the most important people . ’
15 The place has a minimum of things , nearly nothing new , but enough of what the 200 women and about 400 children , who pass through the refuge every year , might need .
16 In particular , the ERCs fail in some cases to rehabilitate the men and women who pass through them largely because it is not their physical disablement but their attitude that is handicapping them in returning to normal working life , and the ERCs are not really equipped to change these attitudes .
17 Blind and disabled children who flow through his home are encouraged to feel the fish as a tactile experience .
18 Officials who get through the qualifying round will be able to compete against the best in the world and there will also be prizes by British divisions .
19 All the men who stampede through Harvey Nichols in pursuit of £450 negligées the week before Christmas are A-cups .
20 And secondly , its music is too operatic — too Brittenesque — to excite us searching spirits who trek through gaslit suburbs in quest of aesthetic deprivation .
21 The galaxy if full of criminal organizations of every sort — from gangs of juvenile hot-jetters who storm through the Netlines and vandalize the odd moon to groups of hard-bitten specialists in banditry and terrorism .
22 Its programmes are run by panels of experts who operate through institutes in both industrial and developing countries .
23 Not so high profile are the centralised lenders , who operate through mortgage brokers and insurance companies .
24 I think he was certainly mixed up in the beastly business of getting into England some of those unhappy Asians who pay through the nose either because they 're desperate to join relatives , or because they think they can find work here .
25 There are two groups of members in the Labour Party , something over two hundred thousand individual members , who pay an individual subscription , and the four million trade unionists , who pay through the political levy .
26 In the second place , the position of strangers who deal through the husband with the wife in a transaction operating to the husband 's advantage may , by that fact alone , be affected by any equity which as between the husband and wife might arise from his conduct .
27 There is no need for a warning or consent , however , in the case of the firm 's employees who deal through the firm ( as is often required for personal account dealings ) if they are informed that they will not be treated as private customers .
28 Those who continue through the process will need more than three letters : interview , offer , references and confirmation of start .
29 The first qualifying 10,000 customers who apply through one of the society 's branches will get a voucher guaranteeing no stockbroking commission .
30 The first qualifying 10,000 customers who apply through one of the society 's branches will get a voucher guaranteeing no stockbroking commission .
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