Example sentences of "who [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That such cases brought a hitherto taboo subject into the open is a welcome sign that such a fundamental issue as a child 's right to live will no longer be determined by small groups of people who through lack of a real knowledge of the subject may come to devastatingly wrong decisions .
2 Next there is a group of colleagues whom I shall describe as the ‘ patriots ’ , who through love of country and a proper belief in its democratic institutions do not accept that the time has come to deny our nationality .
3 In the long term , however , the ward benefits from a student who through supervision becomes more competent in the care she gives .
4 Of particular importance are providers of debt finance , who through powers contained in loan agreement covenants may prevent the directors from disposing of particular assets , for example , or restrict their ability to raise further debt or to pay dividends .
5 The idea of an ‘ internal world ’ is not however new in ethology ; it was indeed a prime preoccupation of one of its key founding fathers , Jacob von Uexküll , who through studies of the perceptual apparatus of a variety of species deduced the nature of the experiential worlds to which they gave rise .
6 The ‘ benefit ’ was in fact a deferred payment , which both tied a player to a single club and was of no value to those who through loss of form or injury were not able to serve the county for a long enough period .
7 Therese danced also with Bobbie and Paul ; but most of the time the women in their party danced with the men who between dances stood watching against the wall .
8 A prominent figure at conferences has been Dr Stafford North , who as Dean of instruction master-minded the elaborate Library Learning Center at Oklahoma Christian College , where every student had his own electronic study-carrel ( with random dial-access to a large collection of audio-tapes and other materials ) in which a large part of his education took place .
9 Among the prime movers of La Rete , was Leoluca Orlando , who as DC mayor of Palermo had taken vigorous measures against the Mafia , but had alienated his own party hierarchy by refusing to work with the PSI and forming instead an alliance with the PCI and Greens .
10 Lord Rathcreedan , who as Captain Cecil Norton had been Club Captain since 1914 , continued until 1921 , continued until 1921 and Mr. J.C .
11 The adjudicator congratulated Brian Devlin , who as Captain Boyle had subtlety , poise and authority .
12 In the House of Lords , on Friday , 15th May , 1857 , the Duke of Somerset , who as Lord Seymour had been the Commissioner of Works responsible for appointing Pennethorne to design the Public Record Office in 1850 ; now queried the competence of the present Office of Works .
13 Given the challenge of competitive international markets , the corporate world , at least in its rhetoric , is keen to recruit bright graduates who as managers will be able to turn a critical eye on established practices .
14 For example , the Eskimos , who as hunters and fishermen are right at the bottom of Marx 's and Engels 's technological scale , have a kinship terminology which does not classify relatives any more than the English system does — a sign for Morgan of the presence of monogamy — while the Malays , who have possessed for a very long time highly advanced agricultural techniques , use a kinship terminology which Morgan and Engels associated with the earliest stages of evolution .
15 He is John Talbot , of accountants Arthur Andersen , who as administrator of the bankrupt Maxwell family empire holds nearly 55 per cent of the Mirror Group 's shares .
16 The Vice-Chairman , Mr. David Blank , who as School Captain had welcomed Gilkes to the School in 1929 and had seen the changes which followed , became Acting Chairman and Mr. W.A. Kershaw Vice-Chairman .
17 Lord Owen , who as Dr David Owen ruined the Labour Party , the Social Democrats , the Liberals and the Alliance , said that the Prime Minister is doing a good job .
18 William Tallack , who as Secretary of the Howard Association had experience of criminal affairs reaching back towards the mid-nineteenth century , was among those who took this line .
19 Sheila Mossman , who as part of the lifetime career in the service of music was an examiner with the board , died in 1971 .
20 Martin was a local businessman who wanted to discover more about himself and , who as part of his treatment , underwent regression therapy .
21 The Catholic and especially Buddhist revivals were partially reactions to earlier activities of Protestant missionaries , who as part of their strategy to gain converts had produced polemical literature and established schools , including those which provided the best available English-language instruction .
22 In this sense he is like Mrs Ghandi , who as India 's prime minister ordered the attack on the Sikh Golden Temple and was later murdered by her Sikh bodyguard : having desecrated the holiest places of a fierce and unforgiving religion , Saddam 's life is potentially in danger from every Shiite he comes into contact with .
23 Er so I I do n't find it in my in myself to condemn people who as Conservatives take a different view to myself .
24 A list drawn up c. 1375 by Richard Pique , who as archbishop was due annual payments in the form of wine , reveals that virtually all the villages within a twenty mile radius of Reims were planted with vines .
25 The heads of 14 Orthodox Churches met in Istanbul on March 14-15 for a conference called by Patriarch Bartholemew who as Archbishop of Constantinople ( since October 1991 — see p. 38547 ) , was " first among equals " of the five leaders of Orthodox Christianity in Europe and Asia .
26 In the days following , press reports started to appear that I , and indeed Ken Clarke who as Minister of State for Health was still outside the Cabinet , were very unhappy about the new emphasis of policy .
27 Conservative MP Paul Channon , who as Minister of the Arts introduced the order that brought PLR into being in 1982 , said the Conservative government of the day had managed to use what was ‘ a very defective act ’ to get PLR on the road .
28 An extensive Cabinet reshuffle on Feb. 19 involved some 20 changes and numerous new appointments , and included the transfer of the Foreign Affairs Minister Habib Boulares , regarded as the most pro-Iraqi member of the government , to Defence ; the departure from the Cabinet of Hamouda Ben Slama , who as Minister of Youth and Sports had been seen as having an " affinity " with Islamists ; and the appointment of Habib Ben Yahia , a US-educated career diplomat and former ambassador to the UN , to take over Foreign Affairs .
29 Who remembers or cares that it was he , who as minister of local government , introduced the poll tax and defended it passionately to the death ?
30 Kenneth Clarke , who as Education Secretary was another star of the Tory campaign , was appointed Home Secretary , one of the top three offices of State .
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