Example sentences of "who [be] seen " in BNC.

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1 He believed that our problem was one that faces many great enterprises today and he believed that by helping us , who are seen and heard in so many places , he and his bank were making a contribution to our cultural life .
2 The problem is blamed on the land users themselves , who are seen to have mismanaged the environment because of lack of environmental awareness , ignorance , apathy and just plain laziness .
3 It is the Teddy-boy types , young men who are seen as being the most violently aggressive towards Blacks .
4 Because of the scale of increase in the older population , however , it is the very old and frail who are seen to represent the greatest challenge to the health and community care services .
5 Likewise , there has been a policy for people who are seen as ‘ problem families ’ ( which often includes single-parent families ) and ‘ unsatis-factory ’ tenants to be selected for these estates ( Gray , 1979 ) .
6 Similarly , sociologists have challenged the findings of criminologists and psychiatrists as being based on the people who are seen by psychiatrists only , not on those who are never seen in the prison , the clinic or the hospital .
7 As already pointed out , many middle-aged people have a sense of time lost and it is not unusual for resentment and opposition to arise to the ideas and activities of those who are seen as more fortunate .
8 This article tells the story of a community health centre which is committed to the principle of self-evaluation by its own staff and by village health workers who are seen as the interface between the health centre and the community .
9 Conservative criminology concentrates on crimes committed by those it considers members of the dangerous classes , those who are seen as part , either of the criminal underworld , or of the lumpenproletariat .
10 It is also necessary , in areas where student members are small , to select experts who are seen to be neutral and do not have a conflict of interest with the college .
11 What will the right hon. and learned Gentleman do to protect schools which have many students with special needs , especially students who are not statemented but who are seen to have special needs ?
12 Ms Botwin has found that a good clue to spotting a fear of intimacy is when someone can only have sex with people they do n't care about , but can confide and be intimate with people of the opposite sex who are seen as just good friends .
13 Buyers ' bid are passed to the auctioneer via a bank of brokers who are seen on screen along with the animals on offer .
14 I mean I think I 'd like to comment on the way some of the discussion was going earlier , because although it 's true that it 's largely men who are seen as creating the problem , there are certainly large numbers of men in positions of authority in the university who are very concerned about it , and who have been led to re-examine their own behaviour , and who now comment on how uncomfortable and constrained they themselves feel .
15 I think we 're dealing here with people who are seen by the majority to be liabilities , and the majority do n't want to touch and have anything to do we 're dealing with modern day lepers .
16 Frank Laczko and Chris Phillipson show how the emergence of retirement in the twentieth century created a sharp dividing line between those who were seen to be actively part of the community and those who were not .
17 Police are anxious to eliminate the two men , who were seen near her home , from their inquiries , and would like to speak to them as potential witnesses .
18 Sotheby 's continues its cost-cutting format of having multiple lot colour illustrations far distanced from the cataloguing , much to the irritation of buyers who were seen constantly frantically flipping back and forth .
19 Jean Harlow , alias the teenager Harlean Carpenter from Kansas City , was doing all she could to pull Hollywood out of the slump but in general the more respectable critics were more prepared at this time to hand the plaudits to the male actors , who were seen very much as the cutting edge of the new realism .
20 Lawyers with a keen sense of the value of good political connections for their own professional careers were often very ready to fly in the direction of the politicians who were seen to have power .
21 Mosley 's turn to political anti-semitism was signalled by his Albert Hall meeting in October 1934 when he attacked both the ‘ big ’ Jews who were seen as a threat to the nation 's economy and the ‘ little ’ Jews who allegedly swamped the cultural identity of localities where they settled .
22 On the contrary , it was the administrators coming to the Commission from the Home Office who were seen ( and saw themselves ) as making a transition , even if a temporary one .
23 Perhaps not surprisingly for some Americans , as Heath reported , it was not the Vietminh who were seen as the enemy but the French .
24 The leadership was actually a collective one rather than a personal domination , and Law recognized his obligation to take the advice of those who were seen to be worthy of consultation by the party as a whole .
25 The average wait for these patients who were seen outside the normal times of outpatient clinics , was 13 ( range 3–104 ) weeks .
26 Police are anxious to trace a courting couple who were seen nearby .
27 Police are particularly anxious to trace a courting couple who were seen nearby at the time of the attack .
28 Finally , there was popular Catholic resistance to the implementation of the Civil Authorities ( Special Powers ) Act , and resentment at the retention of the B Specials , who were seen as drawn from , and biased towards , the Unionists .
29 One of a group of women who were seen in their own lifetimes as emblems of Pre-Raphaelitism , she made a considerable executive contribution to this important British art movement , and was recognized at her death as the last surviving link with it .
30 Witnesses have already given descriptions of the pair who were seen having what appeared to be a heated argument .
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