Example sentences of "get all the " in BNC.

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1 Lucy 's black friend Yvonne puts it this way ; ‘ On the whole right , it 's the people in authority what brings that tension around , you know , 'cos the black people are thinkin' 'ow comes they not gettin' all the jobs , you know . ’
2 Have I got all the things I need to do this ?
3 Once you have got all the battens in place , the hard part is over and you can start fixing the tiles — a job that is repetitive and boring , at least until you get to the cut bits at corners and edges .
4 But Professor Smithers argues : ‘ It 's perfectly possible , especially now we 've got all the experiences of devising a national curriculum and of working out key stages and ways of testing them .
5 We 've got all the time in the world . ’
6 We 've got all the wrong food for you and you 're just not used to it , are you ?
7 You 've got all the talent
8 Vera Loomis , the ninety-two-year-old who lived at number 92 and was known for some reason as Got All the Things There Then ? had offered plum wine or home-brewed lager and Susan Doyle , who was reported to watch News at Ten while her husband pleasured her , had suggested lemonade shandy .
9 Now ‘ stealing by trick ’ , you 've got all the powers that go under the Larceny Act .
10 But you 've got all the other men for company .
11 Then , when you think you 've got all the answers right , it 's time to get on the oche , and aim for bull on our special ZZAP ! dartboard .
12 She 's got all the records . ’
13 The only other thing I 'm using right now is a Korg A2 ; it 's got all the effects I need in it .
14 And on the other side , you 've got all the hippies going ‘ What 's all this rapping ? ’
15 Sometimes he and Charlie would spend a Saturday afternoon playing a George Formby record again and again until they 'd got all the words of ‘ I 'm Leaning on a Lamppost ’ or ‘ Chinese Laundry Blues ’ .
16 ‘ Let's not be too hasty and come to a conclusion before we 've got all the facts . ’
17 Good job Tom had got all the horses in , though .
18 Just when you think you 've got all the tools you need , you realise that solving your problem requires something more .
19 ‘ The Queen has got all the aces .
20 They 've got all the potential to be gloriously life-affirming .
21 I 've just got all the apples into the cart , and it looks as if Anna has upset the lot . ’
22 If free-market conditions had generally prevailed , and if the BEA had got all the investment resources it required at low interest rates , this conclusion would be unassailable .
23 Well it 's got all the basic structure and half the top so if anyone 's interested in seeing shelter I 've got
24 And they 've got all the places say do n't lean your bicycle here and you 're not allowed to take it into Jackson
25 I mean it looks alright if you 've got all the gear on you know cycling shorts and top and everything
26 I bet they probably be really competing with them in a way wo n't we cos they 've got all the same sort of stuff .
27 And then I 've got all the pictures of all the logs on the train wagons and er that was really it was a , it was a good picture actually cos I thought oh look at that poor old tree there it 's
28 He reckons the dog has got all the makings of a superstar .
29 She had not told him exactly where she had got all the money that had been spent so freely around this house , but of course he guessed .
30 I 've got all the bits and pieces of all
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