Example sentences of "so only [art] " in BNC.

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1 IF THERE had been unity , it would have been simple enough : in purely rugby terms the All Blacks are unbeatable , by Wales at any rate , so only a surge of hwyl , a tide of emotion , could hope to stop them .
2 The details of this analysis of pyroclastic deposits are rather complex , so only a few of the more interesting aspects will be described here .
3 The grass continues to grow almost all year , so only a little winter fodder is needed .
4 Experiments using lasers give very accurate results ; they are also extremely sensitive , so only a small number of atoms are required .
5 There are three polarisation states for deuterium nuclei , so only a third of the atoms in unpolarised deuterium will line up perpendicular to the magnetic fields .
6 The gallery windows faced east and west , so only a pale token of early afternoon sun fell onto the statuette , which glowed duskily .
7 A nut and bolt fixed the handle shafts to the top section : the blade spanner incorporates a small spanner for the nut , so only a screwdriver was needed here .
8 ( The collisions are messy , so only a fraction of their energy goes into producing massive new particles . )
9 The cranes were unable to move around the yard with the lifeboats , so only a small part of the depot area could be used for this work .
10 Details of this algorithm are described fully in Chapter Three , so only a brief outline is given here :
11 To most , if not all , British trade union leaders it seemed to be suicide to follow Larkin 's " fiery cross " into a confrontation with the state in circumstances in which it was clear that their members would not follow them ; why should they make such a sacrifice for Larkin when they had been unwilling to do so only a year earlier for the London dockers ?
12 I do n't think so love there 's the first of the money lender so only a big one , once
13 Today it is only the old who regularly die , so only the old who have to deal with the universality of death .
14 The top copy shows no VAT registration number , ‘ blanks out ’ the VAT details so only the VAT-inclusive amounts are visible and states ‘ This is not a tax invoice ’ .
15 This code string can also be reduced , so only the changes are noted , sequences of the same code are reduced to a single code .
16 Farvver Murphy told my muvver so only the ovver day .
17 The record search process is not usually lengthened at all , so only the increased data transfer time needs to be considered .
18 Well I I think the period that embraced my school days , you see I did n't leave till nineteen nineteen and th that meant there 'd been four years of war at school and the last year well , it ended in er nineteen eighteen , the war did , so only the last year , but it was full of patriotism and all the old scholars that had er served or suffered or been killed , their names were up .
19 So only the person who served the lobster or put it on the plates could have poisoned it ? ’
20 Frankly , speed differences are imperceptible on all but the slowest systems , so only the very dedicated need to bother too much with buffering .
21 So only the police , army and ‘ bureaucracy ’ would be dismantled by the representatives of the proletariat , leaving the registration and accounting work of banks , factories , academies , syndicates , experimental stations , and other institutions to be taken over by proletarian soviets .
22 The there 's a widespread idea that if you let people have guns the result will be more crimes of violence and more murders , and therefore , people conclude , er at least they do in this country , that only the state should have a monopoly of firearms , so only the police and the army should be allowed to have firearms .
23 They 're making it so only the rich can be educated .
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