Example sentences of "as [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most people think of hot-rods as modified production cars .
2 Honey face saver : legendary as a treatment for ailments such as sore throats and hayfever , honey has also been shown to heal burns and can sort out dry and spotty skin problems , so get stuck in !
3 They say that by following basic advice illnesses , such as sore throats and diarrhoea , can be avoided .
4 5 ) The main priority was to develop databases which could be shared between members of the group and used as introductory material for school librarians who had newly acquired microcomputers .
5 Francis and Wollen have also contributed articles ( one each ) both of which appear in both books as introductory statements on the Situationist International .
6 Although the available evidence argues against a role in germinal vesicle breakdown , these calcium spikes might control associated events such as cytoplasmic maturation .
7 On exposure to the air , ferric and manganic hydroxides are formed as flocculent solids .
8 It concerns evil spirits which are seen as rebellious creatures of Yahweh , bent on wrecking his purposes but ultimately subject to his control .
9 The moral panic generated by scroungerphobia represents homeless men as feckless fugitives from their proper role .
10 They were also , however , profoundly suspicious of proposals for state welfare , which they identified as a means of diminishing working-class control over their own lives and as palliative substitutes for the workers ' just demands for control over the means of production , high wages and full employment .
11 When is a toxic treatment useful as palliative therapy ?
12 As well as personal barriers there can be church barriers , such as liturgical practices that militate against any spontaneity in worship .
13 abnormal reactions to the senses , such as loud sounds or visual images .
14 Acid phosphatase , N-acetyl glycosaminidase , β-glucuronidase and cathepsin B were assayed as lysosomal marker enzymes .
15 Interactionism derives then from these two modes of experiencing ( the monist present continuum and dualist self-description ) which , on analysis , simply appear as inherent properties of the human cognitive process .
16 They can only succeed with the help either of opportunistic flights of fancy such as inherent value or theos rights , or by otherwise obscuring the differences between creatures like ourselves , who use language , and those that do not .
17 The obsessive compulsive neuroses such as obsessive washing and the various phobias will require medical assessment but may receive particular help from Emotions Anonymous , which also covers a whole range of other emotional disorders that may be significantly disturbing to the life of the sufferer and be beyond personal control .
18 Josh Gifford , for whom he had been first jockey before his illness and who had assured him that his position as stable jockey would be waiting for him as soon as he had recovered .
19 syntactic preferences for one structure over another , such as right association and minimal attachment ( Frazier & Fodor 1979 ; Wilks , Huang & Fass 1985 ) ;
20 Bleuler proposed that most fundamental in schizophrenia is the loosening that occurs in associative thought , later to be studied as overinclusive thinking .
21 a duty to the investing public not to trade on the basis of unpublished price sensitive information ( commonly referred to as inside information ) for its own account or to ‘ tip ’ ( pass on inside information ) clients in its advisory capacity .
22 There is a general assumption that degreasers are less aggressive products , based either on a glycol ether or sodium metasilicate , but some manufacturers apply the description to highly caustic products that would be more appropriately defined as caustic cleaners or decarbonisers .
23 Poisons for which you must not cause vomiting include oily substances like furniture polish , and corrosive substances such as caustic soda , weed killer , disinfectant , acid and insect sprays .
24 When , in a major exercise , Rank Xerox switched a number of specialised staff to operating as teleworking freelance consultants ( involving setup costs of just £1,300 per head and achieving savings in office expenses of £17,500 per worker in the first year of operation ) , sending instructions by electronic mail was not enough : a ‘ gossip line ’ was introduced so that they could keep up on office news .
25 The magazine exploited popular Catholic themes , such as anti-abortion campaigning and family values to channel middle-class resentment into a political movement .
26 She returned to study the key role music is playing as Ugandan women fight for their rights .
27 John Redwood , a former head of Mrs Thatcher 's policy unit , saw no mileage in his current job as local-government minister if it meant non-stop council-bashing .
28 Chemically defined ‘ elemental ’ diets containing nutrients in simple , easily assimilable form with nitrogen provided as free amino acids , carbohydrate as simple sugars or glucose polymers , and fat present in very small amounts , were initially used as nutritional support in patients with Crohn 's disease .
29 Moreover , terms such as nutritional therapy mean different things to the orthodox and to the alternative practitioner .
30 The chart needs to be filled in at the time the child eats as retrospective memory is unreliable .
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