Example sentences of "what [is] taken " in BNC.

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1 The days of little envelopes of happy powder being dropped into expectant palms have long since gone , and what 's taken its place ?
2 Humanity shall remain content to cut off further hopes of increased life enjoyment by permitting the continued dominance within the human race of the evolutionary law that requires for its operation that ( a ) , all surplus life must perish and ( b ) , the strongest shall be entitled to all that physical dominance permits them to take , regardless of the source of what is taken , and the cost to others .
3 Humanity shall remain content to cut off further hopes of increased life enjoyment by permitting the continued dominance within the human race of the evolutionary law that requires for its operation that ( a ) all surplus life must perish , and ( b ) the strongest shall be entitled to all that physical dominance permits them to take , regardless of the source of what is taken , and the cost to others .
4 These show how what is taken for granted in one society would be looked upon as being not only strange but perhaps also immoral in another society .
5 Even though it may be said that what is taken on in the incarnation is a humanity in which we all share , it is still the case that the form in which this universal nature is said to have been taken on is that of a male human being .
6 Fourthly , there is the satisfaction of a kind of orthodoxy , perhaps with respect to what is taken as somehow of the greatest significance or fundamentality .
7 presuppositions are what is taken by the speaker to be the common ground of the participants in the conversation .
8 But there is then sometimes an interesting area of overlap , where the style is employed for what is taken to be other material : the ‘ drama-documentary ’ , the ‘ dramatic reconstruction ’ .
9 These judgements define what is taken as acceptable or unacceptable professional behaviour .
10 Pupils as well as teachers should be aware of secularist tendencies in what is taken for granted in our society and in the educational world , and they should realize that these are not beyond being questioned .
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