Example sentences of "there have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Please continue to write until all the prisoners of conscience in the series are free , or until there have been satisfactory investigations into those who have ‘ disappeared ’ .
2 In the Philippines , there have been some encouraging developments in the case of Zosimo Alpino .
3 There have been some events which give qualified cause for optimism .
4 We have already mentioned in passing the state policies regarding the arts in Germany , the USSR and China ; there have been writers who followed the party lines by giving attention to those artists favoured by patronage , while neglecting others .
5 Thus in London at different times there have been groups which have called themselves the Society of Twelve , the Seven and Five , and One/Four .
6 There have been many books written about improvisation and if I were asked to choose just one it would be Keith Johnston 's Impro which is straightforward , understandable , and theatrically aware .
7 The outcome of the dominance of both is that historically there have been critical mediations between religion and politics for catholic nationalists .
8 Doubtless some protestant paramilitaries — though there have been fewer religious persons among them than in the case of the provisionals — hold to similar religious understandings of the necessity of violence under certain circumstances .
9 In my own case , he wrote , and I can speak only for myself , in my own case and in my own life there have been very few genuine beginnings , only three or perhaps four .
10 However , there have been an estimated 900 crimes against tourists in Dublin this year and the growing popularity of the city as an upmarket destination during its year as the European City of Culture has unfortunately attracted a hard core of criminals .
11 Since Beaumont 's days , there have been just ten head gardeners down the generations .
12 In the past there have been a number of problems with spin recoveries with light aircraft .
13 There have been several cases of two-seaters being overstressed by pilots pulling back hard to recover from steep dives after spin recoveries .
14 Over the years there have been a number of fatal towplane accidents caused by gliders getting too high and jerking the towplane into a steep dive .
15 Over the years there have been innumerable accidents and incidents caused by the airbrakes opening in flight .
16 In West Mercia , there have been regular reissues of Force Orders to remind members to be circumspect in their dissertations and essays prepared for part-time diplomas in Management Services or the NEBS qualification which is now an integral part of inspector training .
17 Furthermore , ‘ there have been questions about his loyalty ’ , for Alderson has had the temerity to caution the service about an apparent drift towards paramilitarism .
18 ‘ As yet there have been no fatalities , ’ said Trevor Newsom , stepping in front of a group of writhing Tramens .
19 I ca n't remember all the other pests in my garden , there have been so many .
20 First of all , there have been important advances in experimental methods : single cell recordings with exquisitely fine electrodes ; novel methods of imaging the internal structure of neurons and the connections between them ; cell culture techniques permitting the growth and development of nervous systems to be studied in great detail ; and sophisticated computational and statistical analysis of data permitting better mathematical modelling of large and small scale events in the nervous system and its functional connections .
21 Secondly , there have been important conceptual advances .
22 There have been people writing in asking for her fans to stop making excuses for her .
23 For years now there have been thousands of letters written about tennis players .
24 There have been better hold-down devices of a home-made nature in Woodworker in the past — the best of them doubtless designed after some careful thoughts about an acceptable specification .
25 Unfortunately there have been some problems and delay in getting them reprinted , and we have now decided with Margot to re-launch the campaign with a new logo , new stickers and leaflets .
26 90 per cent availability is now the norm , and there have been weeks when the 150/ 2 series , arguably the most reliable diesel trains ever to have run in Britain , have attained 100 per cent availability during the daytime .
27 The disease is widespread in America and quite recently there have been reports of cases in dogs in the UK .
28 There have been millions of suicides in the history of the world , but none , according to Kirillov , for this reason .
29 His name has been moderately conjured with by British academics , but there have been few attempts to systematize his work for the classroom , as has happened in the United States .
30 Novels , for instance , have less in common with lyric poetry than with other forms of extended narrative , such as historiography , biography , autobiography — a genre of which there have been some interesting studies lately — or even some kinds of essay .
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