Example sentences of "what you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What you also need to do is an annual cashflow projection , which will show the periods when you are likely to have a lot of bills coming in and how long you are likely to have in between to put money aside for the tough months .
2 What you also have to realise , Floyd , is that markets have a life cycle too .
3 What you also get is the storks have got nest sites in chimneys so you get the storks , so what you 've got is nest sites for people and storks increase together , so there 's an intervening variable .
4 I asked him how he would prefer to be addressed and he said you can call him what you please , as long as it is polite .
5 All you need is the freshly boiled hen lobster And , as it is not a classic regional or other recognized traditional dish , you can call it what you please .
6 So do you think I could ask you something about what you please tell
7 PAMELA : Your honour may call this a jest or what you please , but , sir , it is not a jest that becomes you .
8 Do what you please .
9 ‘ Three hours ’ restricted leave from six to nine , when you can do what you please .
10 The erm the main constituents of the afternoon revolve around the awareness of erm you on the road and what you individually can do about other road users .
11 Oh what you again !
12 You may be a sign that avoids deep , dark and passionate waters but often what you most fear turns out to be the best thing for you .
13 After all , when you are ill , or when someone whom you love is ill , what you most want is someone to take the responsibility .
14 ‘ To know what you most wish to know , ’ the letter began , ‘ meet me tonight in the garden of the big house in New Avenue .
15 Make a list of what you secretly think makes you ‘ better than ’ other people , or ‘ special ’ in any way .
16 I think you will have found that this exercise produced more thoughts , images and ideas than you were able to use in what you finally wrote .
17 Or you can write on plain paper , focusing first on what you particularly liked and disliked about a resort ; what surprises it held for you ; who it suits and who it does n't suit .
18 Or failing the gift of a sum in cash , I am asking you to make it a business transaction , to buy what you clearly must need and what we can no longer afford to keep .
19 It is useless to beetle your brow in what you clearly believe to be a threatening fashion .
20 They will be correct when they explain the advantages of new fabrics , they will also be correct to laugh when you explain what you already use , and you will be bewitched when you try on something fantastic , comfortable and attractive that they slip surreptitiously from a hanger while they talk .
21 You should structure your interview round the information you have been given and not waste time asking again what you already know from the form .
22 And as Gail Sheehy , author of Passages ( available in libraries ) , points out , the run up to 30 seems to inspire a yearning for more , no matter what you already have .
23 Go over the topic in your mind , identifying what you already know and do n't know about the topic .
24 Think what you already know and what you now want to know .
25 You might begin by writing notes and questions to yourself — to check what you already know and where you need more information .
26 Now you 've got to keep on top of what you already know .
27 And you you forget what you already know or you do n't bother with it you do n't bother sort of concentrating on that thing , Oh let's get that bit right .
28 Compare familiar ideas and information with what you already know-note differences and make judgements upon these issues .
29 Relate this to what you already do in the classroom and decide whether it will help you do any of these things better , save you time , or make the learning process more enjoyable for your students .
30 Or you may be making transitions from one point to another that do not follow in logical sequence , not building on what you already know .
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