Example sentences of "there [vb -s] at " in BNC.

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1 for example , to solve any design problem there has at some stage to be a switch from systems thinking to thinking in terms of physical entities because these are the things that can be created , precisely located and manipulated in the real world .
2 There has at times been a degree of common cause between the PUK and the Iraqi Communist Party ( ICP ) , which was once involved in a national front with the Baath , but subject to repression in recent years .
3 there exists at least one other grammatically well-formed and semantically normal sentence S 3 , containing X , but otherwise having no other elements in parallel syntactic positions in common with S 1 , in which X is similarly omissible or replaceable by Y , yielding a syntactically identical but semantically distinct sentence S 4
4 In those societies of the late twentieth century in which there exists at least a minimal freedom of expression and association social movements are a means by which members of society can express dissent and opposition in a direct and immediate way , and can challenge the indifference , remoteness or negligence of party machines .
5 In the West End there seems at the moment a tendency to rely too much on the goodwill of actors which is often accompanied by a failure to maintain a true interest in what is going on for the actor .
6 First , there seems at present less to complain about in most of our primary schools than in secondary or tertiary education .
7 There seems at this point to be disagreement among the regulationists , with some hypothesizing that the decentralization within Britain was the beginning of a new phase of ( neo-Fordist ) accumulation ( Aglietta , 1979 ; Dunford , Geddes and Perrons , 1981 ) , while others ( Martin , 1988 ; Marshall , 1987 ) clearly see it as an attempt to use geographical restructuring to prolong the life of Fordism .
8 There seems at present , however , a better prospect of completing the line than for many years .
9 Though there appears at present to be no early evidence in regard to the allowance of the kadi of Istanbul , a statement in a seventeenth-century source , the by Husayn Hezarfenn ( Hezarfen : d. 1103/1691–2 ) , would seem to indicate that the kadilik of Istanbul was similarly a 300-akce kadilik .
10 The result of each one is made known to the voter before he casts his vote in the next , and the series is prolonged until there emerges at the top of the poll a candidate with an absolute majority .
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