Example sentences of "if there [is] " in BNC.

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1 If there is to be an effective Christian response to AIDS we need to support organisations like ACET who are in the front line giving practical care and support . ’
2 I am not sure how much work these last words are doing , and if there is tautology here , it is compounded by what follows .
3 If there is an element of design on Pechorin 's part in the duel he fights , an element which incorporates a knowledge of the loaded dice to be employed by his opponent in the form of an unloaded pistol , the outcome can still be ascribed to chance , in a sense that must be meant to characterise the hero 's fine indifference .
4 Ideally the classes support the work done on the production project and it is particularly valuable if there is strong liaison between voice and movement tutors with the director of a project — not least in helping students see how the instructional classes connect with their own performances .
5 If there is only the mechanical operation of the spirit ?
6 We 've known each for long enough to know that silence is better if there is nothing specific to say .
7 If there is a solution to all this , that 's where I 'll find it . ’
8 If there is no suitable spot indoors , put the bowls in the garden and cover with 6in of peat or a peat substitute such as cocofibre , excluding rain with polythene sheeting if the bowls have no drainage holes .
9 If there is in flower which above all others triggers memories of childhood days it is the humble daisy .
10 This is because if there is a person on both wing-tips , neither may have a good grip .
11 This may be reasonably safe with a very long tow rope , but if there is only a shorter length of rope available the glider may overrun and smash into the back of the car , causing hundreds of pounds ' worth of damage to the glider .
12 This can be disastrous and may easily occur if there is no wind in the early morning when the gliders are parked outside the hangar with a single tyre on the wing-tip .
13 If there is a cross wind , there will be a tendency for the glider to start to swing , while if there is a down wind component on take-off , it will take the glider longer to gain enough speed for the controls to become effective .
14 If there is a cross wind , there will be a tendency for the glider to start to swing , while if there is a down wind component on take-off , it will take the glider longer to gain enough speed for the controls to become effective .
15 If there is a problem up to that height , failing to lower the nose and abandon the launch promptly can leave the aircraft in a critical position , semi-stalled and with very little time or height to make a full recovery and a safe landing .
16 Whereas the parachute keeps the cable under tension as it drops , if there is a cross wind it tends to drift much more than a rope with no chute .
17 When the change in angle is made smoothly , the glider will be climbing at a safe angle and will be able to recover if there is a launch failure at any point .
18 If there is not enough room to get down straight ahead , obviously a turn has to be made regardless of the height ; there is no point in flying on into wind and losing valuable height and space ahead .
19 If there is plenty of height , it may be wise to straighten up and fly down wind a little to allow more room for the landing .
20 If there is a possible area for a safe landing , use the brakes and get down into it .
21 If there is any doubt about getting there in the worst circumstances , it is better to get down short in any open space ahead and risk rolling into the hedge .
22 Forget about embarrassment : a landing out has to be made if there is any doubt about getting back .
23 Does not work if taken over 12 hours late , or if there is sickness or diarrhoea , when extra precautions must be used .
24 If there is a child at school with HIV or AIDS , perhaps born with it or caused from infected blood transfusions , your child is not at risk from everyday contact .
25 The refereeing panel will be more likely to score your punch if there is evidence of body involvement .
26 Therefore , the fourth way to underline effectiveness is to slide forwards slightly on the front foot , drawing the rear foot up an equal distance if there is a danger that otherwise the stance will stretch out .
27 If there is an army , men will go off to it , if they are poor . ’
28 If there is no room here , there is plenty up on the hill , and where do you think I would like to be ? ’
29 Mental development , on the constructivist view , consists in the elaboration of this knowledge ; so that if there is one central difference between the mental processes of the baby , the child , and of the adult it is in terms of how self-world dualism is manifest in ( and to ) the subject .
30 The piece has grown on me , though I do wonder if there is any prejudice towards marquetry made of many pieces of veneer
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