Example sentences of "their children [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Parents are more responsive to some characteristics of their children than to others , and also to some stages of their development than to others .
2 The reduction in child pedestrian fatalities may not therefore be quite what it seems , having perhaps more to do with parental sacrifice of the freedom of movement of their children than with any tangible gains in traffic safety .
3 Unmarried teenage mothers are more likely nowadays to keep their children than to place them for adoption .
4 Before I began the formal research I had been aware from the few parents of children with trisomy 21 I knew that there was more disquiet about their negotiations with professionals and the treatment of their children than had made its way into the academic and professional literature on parents and families .
5 My right hon. Friend the Minister rightly said that their parents could be fined , but some parents have less control over their children than Robert Maxwell 's children had over their fraudulent father .
6 He reckoned that the islanders would be so devastated by the deaths of their children that they would be incapable of taking up arms against the invaders and , later , would be easily subjugated .
7 Many parents , increasingly pressed to meet school fees , say they would rather the trips were not on offer than have to explain yet again to their children that they ca n't join their friends on this once-in-a-lifetime trip .
8 There are times when parents get so angry with their children that they are in danger of losing their self-control .
9 One of the pieces of advice offered to adoptive parents is to tell their children that they were ‘ chosen ’ .
10 Patients ( especially mothers ) who have such poor relationships with their children that abuse or neglect are suspected are also at special risk .
11 Members of the Pre-School playgroups Association ( PPA ) in Wales ( which became in independent association in 1987 ) are so convinced of each family 's right to choice of provision for their children that they have taken positive steps to make this possible .
12 It is possible that parents do convey to their children that they themselves do not judge and relate to people on the basis of their skin colour , but they should also tell the child that many people in the society do .
13 You see people having a relationship with their children that they ca n't have any other way .
14 That is the duty of parents and if they do n't teach their children that , no teacher will be able to teach them anything else . ’
15 Now if parents , through playing games with their children that are based on words , could alert the child to the fact that print is a convention and that we can translate print into reality , obviously not as abstract as that , but just get the child used to knowing what print is , knowing what reading is , so that perhaps when they go to school they may well know this is a skill that they do n't have , like they do n't know , perhaps , how to ride a bike , they may not know how to swim , they certainly do n't know how to drive a car , but they do know what sort of a thing driving a car is .
16 Now if parents , through playing games with their children that are based on words , could alert the child to the fact that print is a convention and that we can translate print into reality , obviously not as abstract as that , but just get the child used to knowing what print is , knowing what reading is , so that perhaps when they go to school they may well know this is a skill that they do n't have , like they do n't know , perhaps , how to ride a bike , they may not know how to swim , they certainly do n't know how to drive a car , but they do know what sort of a thing driving a car is .
17 ‘ Maybe people will be more careful of their children after they 've read it , ’ suggested Dorothy hopefully , and then added : ‘ She 's nothing but a social climber , anyway . ’
18 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
19 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
20 Parents could buy units for their children but there is only one group that has tried to target children — the MIM Rupert Trust .
21 Parents will shout , hit , nag , and lose their tempers in order to gain control of their children but find that nothing works .
22 It should be remembered that parents do not have a statutory right to withdraw their children but governors have a duty to make a decision on any application for withdrawal which is made to them .
23 Four were thought not to have abused their children , but still to be in need of social work intervention , while 16 were considered to have abused their children but there was no unequivocal evidence that they had done so .
24 Later , under the 1907 provisions for the medical inspection of children , parents ( and again the responsibility usually fell on the mother ) were told what was wrong with their children but were left with the task of seeking and paying for treatment , dependants being excluded from the provisions of the 1911 National Health Insurance Act .
25 Chinese parents do , of course , shower love and attention on their children but it is always made quite clear that child's-play has to remain well within the limits of normal social behaviour .
26 ‘ A lot of parents push their children but my dad has never done that .
27 ‘ If it means bein' wiv somebody fer the rest of yer life , bein' wiv 'em all of the day an' night , 'avin' their children an' carin' fer 'em , then I 've fallen in love wiv yer .
28 I was now able to test responses to questions such as ‘ Why is it that if you want to create an ideal family as the basis of society , Unification husbands are often expected to leave their wives , and mothers are asked to leave their children while they are sent to work on a mission , possibly thousands of miles away ? ’
29 One-third or more of the parents served by these intensive demonstration efforts maltreated their children while in treatment , and over one-half of the families served continued to be judged by staff as likely to mistreat their children following termination .
30 Roberts ( 1984 , p. 180 ) found examples of women paying their mothers and mothers-in-law to look after their children while they went out to work .
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