Example sentences of "all used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And carbon present as carbonate which is used in skeletal material or as carbonate or C O two or H C O three minus which are all used as substrates for photosynthesis .
2 The Faroese ( well , most of them ) maintain that those who oppose their traditional ways are people who have never had to hunt and kill to survive , who are happy to let other people ‘ do the dirty work ’ and to buy their meat ready-packaged from a supermarket ; that whale- and bird-hunting are community activities which help foster a ‘ community spirit ’ and that the birds and animals are all used for human food .
3 Brian Hand An installation of slide , video , found objects , text and image — all used to ‘ explore origins , coincidences and inter-relationships between concepts and phenomena ‘ normally ’ not felt to be related within Irish history . ’
4 The daily spin of the Earth , the roughly monthly orbit of the moon , and the yearly passage of the Earth around the sun , were all used to measure the flow of time .
5 As actors , they were all used to people looking different off-screen , but none of them had expected him to be so tall .
6 Ingredients such as wheat , barley , lentils , seitan , daikon , miso , quinoa and tempeh are all used with so many different fresh herbs and spices that an astonishing kaleidoscope of tastes is achieved .
7 The program used to produce the above charts — with the exception of the manpower report — are all used with AD ! .
8 Black , No. 199 , cold grey 1 and 111 , sap green , No. 167 , geranium red light , No. 121 , light blue and rose carmine , were all used at this stage .
9 The serial usage is arranged so that in the first half , the ‘ O ’ , ‘ I ’ , ‘ R ’ , and ‘ RI ’ versions are all used at once , as follows : Violin 1 — ‘ O ’ beginning on C ; Violin 2 — ‘ R ’ of the same series as that of Violin 1 ; Viola — ‘ RI ’ of the series beginning on B♭ ; Cello — ‘ I ’ of the series beginning on B♭ .
10 But erm Idris said , in effect , which is an expression which we 've all used at some time or another , he did nothing for me .
11 Dartmoor in Devon and Exmoor and Mendip in Somerset were all used like this .
12 Tents , marquees , conservatories , umbrellas , awnings and covered walkways are all used within the hotel and leisure industry to provide more space in an attractive and cost-effective way , as and of Pagoda Space Covers Ltd explain .
13 Resources are the hub of this method of education , in which books , programmed texts , tape-slides , ERIC micro-fiche , charts , dissection of organs , research documents and patients ' care plans are all used in the learning process .
14 F-BMSH , F-BMSS , F-BOED , F-BOEF , F-BOLX , F-BNRE and F-BOOA were all used in this scheme .
15 Coriander from the Crimea , orange and lemon peel from the Mediterranean , angelica from Germany and other spices and herbs are all used in accordance with Alexander Gordon 's original secret recipe .
16 Although the atmosphere , mmHg and torr are all used in scientific work , they should strictly be used only for rough comparisons or as ratios .
17 These were all used in large blocks for strong walling and arch voussoirs .
18 Despite the enormous quantities of marble used on buildings in Imperial Rome , little remains today as it was nearly all used in later ages for further building and decoration .
19 When arable land replaced pasture over much of Britain between the 1950s and 1980s , there was little in the soil ecosystem to hold nitrate back ( only rarely is it all used by the crops ) .
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