Example sentences of "all [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But having read them , it is first of all possible that I may have some queries on them .
2 Do you think it 's at all possible that anybody who has this number , like presumably your agent has it or friends have it , is it at all possible anyone would have given it out to somebody ?
3 Yes Mr Chairman , I er , Mrs qui quite rightly said we can congratulate the Fire Service on the way they dealt with that plane crash , and er , we 're all sorry that it happened .
4 It seemed all wrong that I had horizontal loops across the face of the work .
5 I feel it 's all wrong that the single one in the family should be the one who does everything .
6 Add to all this that they endow themselves with rightness and send their mutual corroboration cascading through all levels of our information systems .
7 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
8 ‘ I told you from the start when we arranged all this that today would n't be a good day , Rebecca .
9 It may be at the end of end of all this that you you are nevertheless convinced that there ought to be a policy .
10 Well I 'm , as a matter of fact before that I actually said that er this , all this that I am doing on your behalf is completely free of charge
11 It should be evident from all this that the business must keep the closest watch on the prices of oil and gas and their derivatives all over the world , from day to day and , on occasion , hour to hour .
12 I 've been doing all this that looks nice yes ?
13 It is not at all incongruous that Wilson , who thus insisted on Eliot 's Americanness , should a few years later , in his pioneering classic Axel 's Castle ( 1931 ) , insist on Eliot 's Frenchness , thus giving substance and weight to Untermeyer 's too glib acknowledgement of ‘ the Laforgue mechanism ’ .
14 The eastern Saxons are almost certain to have remained at this time within the orbit of Oswiu and it may also be the case that Aethelwald , the brother of Aethelhere ( HE 111 , 22 ) ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) , received Oswiu 's support as the new king of the eastern Angles ; it is certainly not at all impossible that he ruled at first in a dependent relationship .
15 I am particularly pleased that Aunt Alice managed to make the long journey down to Surrey from Aberdeen for this occasion , and we are all delighted that Annabelle 's sister , Sharon , flew all the way from Australia to join us and be such a charming bridesmaid .
16 I am sure that we are all delighted that numbers in schools are now rising because it can be a very difficult situation in which to work when er a head teacher and governing body find themselves trying to manage a continuous decline .
17 We are all delighted that she will be able to go home but we will all miss her .
18 Pilger was not at all convinced that the NoS sales target was viable , but it was not his job to worry about that .
19 However , it was not at all convinced that a slight penetration with one finger could be regarded as an aggravated assault and yet considered it impractical to distinguish between different forms of digital penetration .
20 The managers Hospitality spoke to about the buyout were all convinced that it was the right route for the business .
21 It is however not at all obvious that the results yield the conclusion that Griffin draws , nor is it clear that even if they did we would have evidence for saying more than that the creatures recognise their own bodies .
22 Even now it is not at all obvious that it should be so .
23 They sing and they dance and they act , and they do not believe unless they are profoundly proficient in all three that they 're entitled to be considered gypsies .
24 I am sure that we are all glad that many of the lenders — building societies , banks and others — have come forward with schemes to ensure , or at least to advance the proposition , that the number of repossessions should be reduced to the absolute minimum .
25 We are all glad that she has arrived safely and has all her faculties !
26 It is not at all improbable that Hitchcock also followed this system , but in the absence of a single manual from him we can not be sure .
27 It was n't only the seeds of oats ; the cornfields usually contained quantities of weeds like chickweed , spurrey and charlock and it was on all these that the skylarks , twite and rock doves fattened up for the coming winter .
28 It did n't seem at all likely that it could have anything to do with Stavanger , and corpses in the Thames , alas , are not all that infrequent .
29 All unused terms must be included in the entry vocabulary of an index ; that is , they must be present as access points in some form if it is considered at all likely that a user might seek information under the unused term .
30 He opened by expressing his gratitude to all present that the discussions during the previous two days , ‘ though at times exhilaratingly frank ’ , had been conducted in a spirit of friendship and the desire to see good prevail .
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