Example sentences of "their [noun pl] just " in BNC.

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1 ‘ These men had been trained to do specific jobs and we did not want to see their skills just thrown away . ’
2 He believes that manufacturers simply need to be aware of the electromagnetic environments surrounding their products just as they would be aware of temperatures .
3 There 's different stories about I know that long ago about men being put out of their putting out of their houses just to and they just er demolished the house you ken and
4 • Nocturnal or crepuscular ( evening-time ) fish may miss out on the food if you do not give them their rations just before lights out .
5 The Prosecution claim the two men were racing their cars just before the accident happened .
6 Those that lived on relatively well watered islands where there was ground vegetation to be cropped , had a gently curving front edge to their shells just above the neck .
7 their heads just big enough to hold one thought …
8 But in promoting it to MPs we 've been drawing their attention to the kinds of organizations which in turn in their eyes just sort of represent that pyramid or structure of votes that .
9 I began to feel I was really homing in on the answer : involuntary spasms had sent those lifeless appendages hopping about the turret like bingo balls on a current of air … until their trajectories just happened to coincide with not-wall , not-floor , not-ceiling ( which I quickly worked out was better than a one in three shot every hop ) .
10 It is a well-documented fact that cancer , for example , is more prevalent in those with a predisposition to depression and a tendency to bottle-up their emotions just to please others .
11 They had to pull their weight , but they brought up one or two who had lost their parents just as if they were their own children .
12 Ellen had once assured me that I was only happy because I did not think too deeply , and probably she was right , but it is still that shallow contentment which makes people bring me their troubles just as the senator was now bringing me his two children .
13 A chamberlain showed them to their seats just beneath the high table , which was dominated by a pearl-encrusted silver salt cellar .
14 An outside facilitator could help them examine and redesign their actions just as a tennis coach might do .
15 He also knows that , since therapists have to eat and support their families just like everyone else , it is going to cost him money to do so .
16 The activities of these components depend on their symmetries just as the activities of internal vibrations of the molecules are related to their symmetries ( see Section 5.7 ) .
17 Mr Crangle tried time and time again to reason with the Headmaster , but their arguments just became louder and louder .
18 I mean I would , I would I 'd stick a needle in their bottoms just like I would for a dog that had gone b , gone bad , I 'd say poor creature ca n't help it
19 Self-sowing is likely ; seeds should be collected on their stems just before they are ripe enough to drop , and placed in paper bags hung in a warm dry airy place .
20 Most of them were designed to make the most of the limitations of a character-based environment ; their procedures just do n't port easily into the Windows way of working .
21 It 's not so much their habit of closing their wings just as you draw close enough to see ; it 's more their unwillingness to be in any way uniform .
22 I started to argue with him , but all he said was , ‘ Leopards do n't change their spots just because the fashion in political leadership alters .
23 we have to wait here and see coming in from their lessons just so that we can go off and go to Geography
24 If the borrower of bank A uses the overdraft to pay people who bank with banks B , C , etc. then the increase in the money supply appears in their deposits just as it did in the single bank case .
25 The divergence was sharpened by the application of a theoretical distinction , the fruit of Augustinian theology , amplified as the century went on by canon and Roman law reference ; princes pronounced their campaigns just wars ( fought against aggressors with the aim of re-establishing peace ) or public wars ( declared by a competent authority in the public interest ) , while they condemned the wars of lesser men as infractions of the peace .
26 Normal , rational , decently partisan punters open their doors just enough to get their noses through , growl a quick ‘ Yeah , you 're all right , mate ’ or ‘ Sod off , ’ and disappear back to the snooker before you 've got time to scribble a tick on your clipboard .
27 HALF the country 's birth control clinics open their doors just once a week to women seeking contraceptive advice , a major survey shows today .
28 Such people give more than they take ; they tend to hide their emotions and repress their desires just to please others .
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