Example sentences of "say about her " in BNC.

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1 No one believes her any more but they 're ready to believe anything anyone else says about her ! ’
2 Whatever Gran says about her , she 's only a woman , not some sort of witch .
3 Diana took the criticism to heart , avidly read what was being said about her and became depressed and despondent .
4 What was it Jack had said about her wandering , that she was losing her mind .
5 This … this cousin Mary of Mother 's , whatever she 's said about her , might be a compassionate woman ; and I do n't think she has any children of her own .
6 He remembered something Georgia had said about her once .
7 For one thing he was an impatient sort of eagle , inclined to get angry and feel insulted at the smallest thing ; for another — and this took Creggan a while to realize — he was preoccupied with thinking about what had happened to Minch , not daring to hope that what Creggan had so boldly said about her coming back was true .
8 She was under the impression that Charles had put the kibosh on any exclusive agreement with Barton , and most certainly nothing had been said about her writing her life story .
9 ‘ Very , from what little he 's said about her .
10 Therese said , ‘ Mon petit , the people who talk do n't matter , I was n't thinking of them , I was thinking of your mother , of what they might be saying about her . ’
11 Trying to ignore what they might be saying about her , she held on to silence as her only control .
12 ‘ What have you been saying about her ? ’ asked Gabriel sharply , turning to the others .
13 She wondered what they were saying about her , up at the top of the house , as she undressed and laid her clothes out before sliding under the duvet in her underwear .
14 I do n't care what her father said about her , she seems very quiet and gentle to me .
15 ‘ Yes , I know that she deceived us as to who she is , but how could you believe a word Lord Blaine said about her , and she such a good hardworking girl ?
16 After what your father said about her ?
17 Well I expect she did but I saw Debbie Thursday night and she said about her and er I said er how long has she been in , she said Tuesday she had the op she said and she 's due , she 'll probably be coming out tomorrow
18 the lies they said about her
19 Well I told you what she said about her and Sandra you know and I wrote and said when they you know if they felt like coming for a day that 'll be alright I said but do n't be having anything to eat I 'll bring in sandwiches , I mean I , I know I 've said it 's very kind of Sandra to say , but you ca n't , they , way your relatives are coming and bringing sandwiches can ya ?
20 She has such a good head on her shoulders , ’ they had said , when what they really meant was that whilst Paula was a beauty , she was really very plain but they had to find something good to say about her .
21 All Joe has to say about her is : ‘ Although we are divorced we are actually still trying to work things out .
22 Lady Selvedge allowed herself to be led on to the platform and was introduced in a short speech by Mark , who found himself unable to think of very much to say about her , confused as he was by the talk of ‘ high principles ’ , cocktail parties , and her former husband 's misdeeds which he remembered having with Sophia and Penelope .
23 If you are writing about a twentieth-century author and you want ideas about the author or what to say about her or him , you can use the massive reference work published by Gale , Contemporary Authors ( which lists biographical and bibliographical information , together with other relevant comments ) and Contemporary Literary Criticism , which is described as " excerpts from criticism of the works of today 's novelists , poets , playwrights and other creative writers " .
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