Example sentences of "say he [be] " in BNC.

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1 They say 'e 's all right ter talk to .
2 There the wee man goes and spoils it all by sayin' he 's not an ice man and if we get ourselves into a really bad pressure ridge he could n't say fur sure what would happen .
3 Some say he is now no more than mayor of Mogadishu , retaining only the loyalty of his own Marehan clan and other Darode tribes .
4 The state has to be assured that the person being disposed of is the person others say he is , that the manner of his dying can be explained and is legally acceptable .
5 I only say he is a man and will act like a man , given the chance .
6 But Hong Kong analysts say he is unlikely to be tempted by Canary Wharf , preferring North American property .
7 There does not lurk somewhere a Dorian Gray-like picture of an irascible , opinionated Attila ; although people say he is not entirely without a temper .
8 The ramifications of these doubts are reflected in a poll by Time magazine and CNN , which shows 53 per cent of voters do not think Mr Clinton is honest and trustworthy enough to be president ; 67 per cent think he would say anything to be elected president ; and 62 per cent say he is not someone they would be proud to have as president .
9 ‘ They say he is always up early , having been a sailor and all that . ’
10 You say he is clever , clever enough to know what he wants to do and what makes him satisfied .
11 In trusting God we are living out our assumptions , putting into practice all that we say he is in theory , so that who God is and what he has done can make the difference in every part of our lives .
12 But insiders say he is keen to make it a national obsession .
13 You may also be surprised at how often they say he is still there !
14 Doctors say he is not conscious and will never improve .
15 In a letter of ‘ unanimous support ’ published in The Times today board members say he is the best person to lead the corporation .
16 They say he is dangerous and warned the public not to approach him .
17 Keepers say he is making the right moves with five females at Cricket St Thomas Wildlife Park near Chard , Somerset .
18 Friends say he is shy .
19 At home in Belgrade , the Serb capital , Mr Milosevic is promoting the Vance-Owen plan in the face of opposition from extreme nationalists , who say he is betraying the Bosnian Serbs , and democrats , who say his nationalism has landed the country in a disastrous mess .
20 Despite the tough measures of May 10th , the opinion polls say he is by far France 's favourite politician .
21 He explained his position in an article , ‘ Sukarno by Himself ’ , which appeared in June 1941 : ‘ There are men who say Sukarno is a nationalist ; others say he is no longer a nationalist but a Muslim ; and others again say he is neither nationalist nor Muslim but a Marxist .
22 He explained his position in an article , ‘ Sukarno by Himself ’ , which appeared in June 1941 : ‘ There are men who say Sukarno is a nationalist ; others say he is no longer a nationalist but a Muslim ; and others again say he is neither nationalist nor Muslim but a Marxist .
23 Useless for Boswell to point out that notwithstanding the title ‘ Doctor ’ , physick did not belong in Johnson 's otherwise comprehensive repertoire , and here it was that the landlord made a distinction which so pleased Johnson : ‘ They say he is the greatest man in England , except Lord Mansfield . ’
24 In Yorkshire when man goes into a decline during his wife 's pregnancy they giggle behind their hands and say he is " carrying " the baby , I never laugh at these remarks because I am convinced I " carried " my son .
25 Accordin' to Rodriguez , that is , so why dae ye say he is a cousin ? ’
26 Some say he is , but last time he went to the abbey . ’
27 Doctors say he is lucky to be alive .
28 They say he is n't , but that means he does n't , I 'll see you !
29 His family say he is a changed man .
30 But I do n't think you should just appoint somebody and say he 's a worker director .
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