Example sentences of "can make [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The cost of buying equipment and the requirement of skilled personnel to maintain and run it can make its use in the repeated assessments which are required for measuring rhythms prohibitively expensive .
2 Provided , therefore , that the House is careful to avoid mention of any determination of whether or not a particular privilege exists , and to confine itself to statements which are consistent with it 's merely having decided that a breach has occurred , it can make its will prevail ( Case of the Sheriff of Middlesex ( 1840 ) 11 A & E 273 ) .
3 Suffering can make its full contribution to my awareness only if I do not pursue it in advance , even though its value may be appreciated in retrospect .
4 But it can make its presence felt , at least to those with imaginations to see : first admired , then feared , and finally mocked and looted for fragmentary hints and occasional ideas .
5 Their vents are pressed together so that the sperm can make its way into the female .
6 Thus , the university can make its most fruitful contribution to democracy through the teaching of an English which places the student in direct touch with the values embodied in the national literature .
7 Ideally , it is a major feature of this type of product , and one for which the advertised brand is actually superior : but it could be some general characteristic which , by getting in first and appropriating it to itself , the brand can make its own .
8 A board can make its own arrangements for considering such applications ( subs .
9 The proponents of this approach to policy claim that it will encourage a more stable background in which the private sector can make its own investment and spending plans with greater certainty about future government policy ; that it will prevent abrupt and damaging shifts of policy ; and that it will make government manipulation of monetary policy for electoral purposes more difficult .
10 The government can make its value judgements about distribution or equality and can pursue its views about the desirable degree of vertical equity without impairing the efficient functioning of a free market economy .
11 A local authority can make its own arrangements to arrest defaulters , which can include the use of bailiffs , and the defaulter must comply with such a warrant from the court .
12 And there 's some doubt as to whether the council can make its tenant farmers enforce the ban .
13 If we give a woman controlled quantities of a substance called human gonadotrophin , we can make her produce ova to order , as it were .
14 If you can make her laugh , they say , you 're half-way there .
15 If you can make her laugh while you 're coming in her mouth , then you might be said to have arrived .
16 But she knows that only a miracle can make her six-month-old son beam back .
17 Such a libretto can then be handed to a composer or arranger of music and a designer so that they can make their contributions to the total production .
18 One Peruvian veteran recalled that the worst thing about the vampiros is that , because they are such brilliant surgeons , they can make their incisions without even waking the victim .
19 Elaine explained : ‘ I 've really tried hard not to let Deborah and Jon criticise each other , I think that 's important , some brothers can make their sisters feel awful !
20 Most of the living cephalopods also have an ink sac which injects a smoky fluid into the water when the animal is threatened , under cover of which they can make their own jet-propelled escape .
21 I 'm sure the Delia Copes of this world can make their own boring magazine .
22 My country is full of distinctions of this kind , and in the congenial climate of Oxford they flourish to form a semantic jungle through which only the natives can make their way .
23 It 's also a lot harder to be a rhythm player than it is a solo player , because anyone can make their fingers move really fast and play shitty solos .
24 It 's the noise element which could yet be their finest asset : if baggydom has been polluted by feyness and undermined by limp-wristed disinterest , then there 's a huge gap in which hectic ( but tuneful ) arse-kickers can make their mark .
25 This is important to individual sites so that they can make their own assessment of the value to them of adopting what has been identified as best practice elsewhere .
26 They should be based primarily on resource materials , which might include samples of language data ( spoken , written , literary , non-literary , standard , non-standard , English and other languages ) and facts and figures about languages in Britain and around the world , and associated activities which are essentially concrete and problem-based , so that the pupils can make their own enquiries , and so that the teacher can learn alongside the pupils .
27 They can make their bourgeois war themselves , but they will make it without the workers . ’
28 Putting a practical question to them : ‘ So what action should those ideas lead us to take , do you think ? ’ can make their contribution that much more relevant .
29 1991 : Recordable CD ( CD-R ) becomes a reality , with demonstrations of a Denon -manufactured system at a September hi-fi show held at a Heathrow hotel pulling huge crowds ; the time when punters can make their own CD compilations looms ever nearer .
30 Guests can make their own private calls and the metered units will be recorded automatically against their room .
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