Example sentences of "can do it " in BNC.

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1 You can do it on your own or you can get together with family and friends .
2 You can do it when you come home from work and you 're all right at week-ends. i could dance .
3 By all means practise side-slipping at height , but do n't assume that because you can do it at height you will be able to do it accurately on an approach .
4 On the other hand , you 'll never know if you can do it till you try .
5 If you can do it properly , the following version of the roundhouse kick gives you an added advantage .
6 Keep up the good work of entertaining your fans on court Steffi ; we know you can do it ; your fans are behind you all the way .
7 Adjusting VR2 gives a symmetrical waveform and you can do it by ear by reducing the frequency so that only harmonics can be heard .
8 But it 's a lovely feeling when you finally find you can do it .
9 In the end , only actors can do it .
10 If people want it enough , they can do it . ’
11 You can do it by scrubbing the Navy .
12 Even when I 'm injured I think I can do it regardless .
13 If Nissan can do it , why ca n't other car makers ?
14 I can do it OK if I hang onto the side , but when I let go I just sink .
15 ‘ If you can do a thing once you can do it again .
16 In later years , offered the objection that celibacy is not always possible , Lewis the radio evangelist was to be quite unambiguous : ‘ faced with an optional question in an examination paper , one considers whether one can do it or not ; faced with a compulsory question , one must do the best one can …
17 ‘ We can do it either by going joint with somebody , or indeed by selling it , or in a variety of ways involving outside capital , ’ Sir Lewis explained .
18 It 's a big challenge but I am sure that together we can do it .
19 In both cases there is a basic assumption of health — that they can do it .
20 Anyone can do it so long as they are not criminals or kids , and promise to play by the rules .
21 The ‘ Simulation Pop ’ of the Pet Shop Boys , Pop Tarts , et al , is the end product of a discourse of demystification that began with punk , its DIY ethos , its ‘ anyone can do it ’ clarion call .
22 If you had any doubts about doing anything , she would be the first to say , ‘ Do n't be silly , you can do it . ’
23 It was very good to have someone like that — someone who keeps pushing you and telling you that you can do it and not to be shy . ’
24 The RAF can do it all and it is their job ( e ) Other types of ships should be drastically reduced
25 If he can do it in the Baltic lands , he can do it elsewhere .
26 If he can do it in the Baltic lands , he can do it elsewhere .
27 ‘ You should try and see if you can do it yourself , ’ Denice suggests .
28 We know that ‘ theologically ’ only he can do it , but we can play our part .
29 At least that means that we can do it our way .
30 I 'm sure we can do it .
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