Example sentences of "can not be " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't be sure .
2 That there was a pattern for her in Lermontov 's novel is conceivable : but it ca n't be claimed that it fits her with exactitude , or that it provides an explanation of her conduct .
3 It ca n't be stressed enough that you should know the entire play from which you select your audition piece ; not only that , but have thought carefully about the characters and their inter-relationship .
4 I say no mine , perhaps the choice of location … he says it ca n't be your fault , you have made love to the most brilliant and beautiful men of your generation , you have slept with the great .
5 That ca n't be all bad , can it ?
6 Appalling Italian food , of course , but beggars ca n't be choosers , what ? ’
7 ‘ You ca n't be too careful with a really crusty port , ’ said Henry .
8 ‘ No , it ca n't be .
9 It ca n't be . ’
10 If that 's a sign of madness , I 've gone completely crazy , but it ca n't be worse than this .
11 ‘ It ca n't be as bad as all that . ’
12 If you are using these , keep them where they ca n't be tampered with .
13 Ca n't be bad in bed either . ’
14 But one man , one person , ca n't be home , she has to keep from panicking , trust she 's doing right , that 's all .
15 But I ca n't be a tourist forever . ’
16 You ca n't be it at home : they wo n't notice ;
17 Its atmosphere and suspense are nursed by locality — Petersburg — in ways which ca n't be escaped but which often get misreported .
18 The narrator ca n't be sure but guesses he was n't even aware of the existence of the flowers .
19 Peter tried to rouse his countrymen from their aboriginal stupor and turn them into Europeans ; but a Russian is n't and ca n't be a German or a Frenchman , and the result of Peter 's efforts was to produce an educated class who ca n't be Russians either .
20 Peter tried to rouse his countrymen from their aboriginal stupor and turn them into Europeans ; but a Russian is n't and ca n't be a German or a Frenchman , and the result of Peter 's efforts was to produce an educated class who ca n't be Russians either .
21 Peter Verkhovensky ca n't be fitted into this picture because his raison d'être is outside it , manipulating .
22 One ca n't be sure .
23 This is the world of the underground man 's eruptive and unexplained ‘ They wo n't let me — I ca n't be — good ’ ; which world is itself continuous with that of the pre-Siberian stories , particularly The Double where Dostoevsky says he found his underground type .
24 But the main thrust of Olson 's argument is unaffected , and it ca n't be set aside : this great American poet ( and Olson knows that Pound is all of that ) was a Fascist , profoundly , and no amount of talk about his affinities with Whitman will save him for democracy , nor will any attempt to treat his anti-Semitism as an unrelated pathological aberration .
25 ‘ But you ca n't be generous , you have to go for the best person for the job .
26 We ca n't be credible in that great human crusade if we ca n't face the real challenge of getting rid of British nuclear weapons . ’
27 ‘ FIFTY million freshmen ca n't be wrong , ’ thought Boris .
28 I ca n't bring them here although I 'd like to , and I ca n't be with them safely .
29 What the management has to learn is that we ca n't be mucked about . ’
30 In the latest Jane 's Defence Weekly , he says this discovery ‘ ca n't be anything but bad news to forces planning to defend against these tanks with current anti-tank weapons ’ .
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