Example sentences of "can [be] like " in BNC.

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1 The lordship in question is the novelist 's , not only in the usual sense , often forgotten , that every word of the novel is his , but also because the speech of its characters can be like that of the narrator , and indeed like that of the writer of Kingsley Amis 's discursive prose .
2 The right sort of literary experience can be like a nuclear explosion , whereas the ‘ human expressiveness ’ that Scholes detects in the humblest graffito is more like the low-level radioactivity that is always present in the natural environment .
3 The central concern of Formen is to understand what social relations and institutions can be like when they are not moulded by capitalism .
4 But unless you spend the night before patiently reserving your patch , finding a prime viewing spot can be like trying to catch the tube in the morning rush hour .
5 I enjoy band work but it can be like a habit , to the detriment of our normal lives .
6 If you have to use files created by someone else , finding out which file you want to retrieve can be like looking for a needle in a haystack , particularly if that person is out of the office .
7 But one has to be careful , a piece of derelict land can be like a magnet in attracting further dereliction .
8 ‘ We can be like a flea on their backs , but we have to be ready when they turn over .
9 Even a kiss can be like the sharp end of a wedge which has the power to pierce our body chemistry , split open our emotional equilibrium and lead desires towards the bedroom far too prematurely .
10 You know what families can be like .
11 The old and lonely are very vulnerable , and if you have sounded detached , preoccupied , or hurried during the conversation they can easily feel hurt and rejected ; and that hurt can be like an emotional graze that will remain painful until you are able to see them again and heal it .
12 Soap can be like perfume , nostalgia in its scent ,
13 We are not denying that in the case of an alien culture one has less right to criticize than in one 's own , out of lack of experience of what it can be like to live in it .
14 It 's only then that you realise just what a dictatorship can be like . ’
15 No one can be like that all the time . ’
16 Even for the experienced programmer , coming to terms with Unix can be like learning a foreign language .
17 At that moment , and perhaps for an hour afterwards , I was on Cloud Nine — in a state of happiness , contentment , euphoria , joy and utter peace such as I have never experienced before or since : everything is all right , an inner voice said , and everything from now on will always be all right ; how wonderful to know that life can be like this .
18 ‘ It can be like that with animals , ’ said Masklin .
19 Not everyone can be like Keith Richards , drinking vodka for breakfast and shit like that .
20 Moreover , problems can be like Chinese whispers : the parents may be quite surprised at what you have been told about them and their problems .
21 When we 've decided on the names , we then have to find the best person to approach for each potential guest , and that can be like a detective job .
22 Applications can be like teaching machines , coaxing users to the right choices without penalties , says Sippl .
23 Applications can be like teaching machines , coaxing users to the right choices without penalties , says Sippl .
24 ‘ Capa can be like a father when you 're alone with him , ’ wrote Bischof .
25 The majority of the articles in this section move on from accounts of what it can be like ‘ being there ’ , to ‘ looking out ’ at some of the external issues which impinge on the teaching of mathematics in schools .
26 She was afraid , and so was I. I knew what the atmosphere at stadium events can be like , the way some people discard their inhibitions and normal standards of behaviour …
27 You 'd be on the line for a certain amount of publicity , but I 've been looking at today 's papers and it seems you 've already had a taste of what the Press can be like … ’
28 I found out tonight what he can be like when he 's angry .
29 It can be like that in my business , too . ’
30 Glenn Hoddle says that playing at Wembley can be like making your debut … the sight of the twin towers still gives you a buzz but they 've got to forget all about that and get on and win the game … it 's a wonderful place to play he says and the pitch should suit Swindon but they 've got to concentrate on the job in hand
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