Example sentences of "which would [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is after all the effectiveness ( or otherwise ) of the socialised deployment of the personal sector surplus which would over time build support for ( or resentment against ) any such scheme .
2 Esher ( 1981 ) has suggested that Britain has experienced three ‘ Rebuilds ’ : the Enlightenment , the Industrial Revolution and the Welfare State : ‘ fashioned by wartime social democrats in England , which would for the first time in history build cities that were not dramatizations of privilege and poverty ’ ( p. 278 ) .
3 C to A would be A double flat which would on a keyboard be a G.
4 The ability to quantify androgyny on the BSRI seemed to some 1970s North American feminists to suggest and even to facilitate an escape from oppressive aspects of dominant discourses of femininity and masculinity , like guilt and dependency , and violence and insensitivity , which would at the same time retain femininity 's positive social , emotional characteristics , and the valuable self-confidence and achievement motivation commonly associated with masculinity .
5 Even if — and it is a big " if " — an unobjectionable means could be devised by which choice among candidates on party lists could be indicated and also convincingly assessed for the award of seats , the possibility of that choice could not be provided by any practicable modification of the WGMS which would at the same time ensure a high degree of proportionality and be acceptable to British electors and parties .
6 Taking all these things together , I think they give ground for the suspicion expressed by Mr. Henderson and other Labour ministers that Mr. MacDonald had deliberately planned the scheme of a National government ; which would at the same time enable him to retain the position of Prime Minister and to associate with colleagues with whom he was more in sympathy than he had ever been with his Labour colleagues …
7 Would it not be better either to move over to a ’ spoils ’ system — which would at least do away with all the hypocrisy , and would be more honest and open — or to appoint civil servants via a Select Committee , or through some other all-party approach ?
8 They had to achieve a total military victory in order also to impose the total political victory which would at once provide ex post legitimation for the rising and enable them to ensure that there would be no return to pre-July 1936 conditions .
9 We attended between us five workshops and found all of them lacking in a clear overall framework/direction which would at least set an agenda for future constructive discussion ( let alone action ) .
10 Such ideas had their major influence in South Wales where nearly all men were engaged in mining and could envisage a pure " class struggle " between themselves and the coalowners which would at the same time be a political struggle between the great majority and the rich minority .
11 But institutions could compensate for their loss of income by taking a more active role to ensure better performance from the management , which would at least give them the chance of a greater capital gain , so that their total return is unaffected .
12 I wanted to put a a morning on when I realised there was problems here just a morning an open morning which would of brought probably nine hundred thousand pounds into this building , in July I came in to try to see the Director of the playhouse I could n't go through the written way because I was waiting for exam date to come through .
13 We were offered a flat , which would of mea if we 'd of accepted it would of meant we would have to of sold every stick of furniture because the rooms were not large enough
14 It seemed undesirable to use force against the Yugoslavs at the moment , but incidents could occur or be provoked , and clear instructions should be issued soon as to whether Alexander should order Eighth Army to close the Austrian frontier to the Yugoslavs and eject them from Carinthia , which would of course mean by force .
15 These assertions , which would of course be very difficult to demonstrate in a literal or historical sense , are justified as part of Pareto 's general scheme of the equilibrium of social systems , which rests on a social-psychological basis : ‘ The principle of my sociology rests precisely upon separating logical from non-logical actions and in showing that in most men the second category is far larger than the former ’ .
16 Most late nineteenth-century feminists saw feminism primarily as a movement for moral reform , which would of necessity bring in its wake desirable political and social change .
17 Where a writ is served after its original period of validity has expired , even though its renewal period has not expired , the defendant may apply to set aside service and the order for renewal , which would of course have been made ex parte .
18 yes because they , they fo forgot to take out the money which they could have , which erm , which would of come from privatization , which they had no intention of doing so they took that out .
19 Well it , when he , she originally wanted him to do plans to make the third bedroom bigger which would of been like an L shaped bedroom
20 Quite apart from the fact that Hopper 's movie was eventually virtually sabotaged by the studio ( or himself , depending on which side you were on ) , director Bob Rafelson had a good script which would without question consolidate Nicholson as the finest exponent of counter-culture appeal available anywhere in America in that year .
21 ‘ I myself can not even begin to imagine by what mental process an educated and rational man of some sensibility moves from the reputed subtleties of Keynsian economics ( the process which has , apparently , saved the capitalist system from the collapse which would in turn have provoked a revolution ) to the blatant crudities of contemplating intercourse with a mindless whore .
22 A loss might be made on this transaction , but such a loss would be preferable to the total abandonment of one 's savings or wealth , which would in any case have still had a value as bullion .
23 There was now another minority , one which would in fact be the longest of them all , lasting for nineteen years .
24 On the other hand , the chance of a ‘ surprise ’ Conservative victory ( bringing with it a soaring pound and a quick cut to interest rates , which would in turn boost the economy ) gave rise to the thought that the index might go up by 300 points .
25 Proposals to reduce nitrate would then be put to MAFF , which would in turn consult interested parties .
26 The Australian army won their first Victoria Cross of the Second World War in a tank battle against Vichy forces near the south Lebanese town of Marjayoun — which would in 1978 become the headquarters of Israel 's local Christian militia — while in the coastal village of Damour , the future Israeli minister of defence , Moshe Dayan , lost his eye to a Vichy French sniper while fighting as a British soldier .
27 The 216,000 places already available should be enlarged to 560,000 in 1980/1 , which would in turn require 390,000 by 1973/4 .
28 Most commonly this happens in the case of a new book , and the reservation merely reminds or forewarns the librarian of the existence of a title which would in any case find its way into stock .
29 If a motion was suggested for reducing the team 's innings by five runs every time a player was out it would encourage the taking of wickets , which would in turn reduce the role of the leg stump ‘ spinner ’ and medium pace ‘ dobber ’ , place greater emphasis on attacking fields , potentially creating more runs — particularly boundaries — for the batsmen and recreating the ‘ traditions ’ of one-day cricket .
30 Left to itself , however , a vine ( grafted or ungrafted ) would concentrate all its energies into sending out suckers , which would in turn push down roots to start the cycle all over again .
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