Example sentences of "which had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Socialism was a secular creed which had utterly failed , she said , citing the migration of East Germans and the dismantling of Communism in Poland and Hungary .
2 Then I read my log of a 1973 visit , which had utterly gone from memory , and dug out some poor slides taken then .
3 Before I left , I told Eliot that I was still toying with the idea of writing the book on politics , which had increasingly been absorbing me , and I described to him something of what it had been like to live under a benevolent dictatorship .
4 Returning to my seat after the second interval , I had decided that this was a first night which had somehow not ‘ taken off ’ and that all kinds of good intentions had somehow failed to coalesce , though they probably would later in the run .
5 All I had heard or read before was the usual superficial assumption that the disease was a matter of slimming which had somehow or other ( no one ever said how ) got out of hand .
6 When she felt she could not naturally stand by the window any longer she went and inspected the gritty old review copies of books which had somehow collected over the years on the office shelves — Take Your Car to North Africa !
7 Wriggling closer , she slid her hands inside his shirt , which had somehow become unbuttoned , then shivered and held her breath as his warm palms roved beneath her sweater , and an almost physical pain exploded inside her as one thumb touched her nipple .
8 He was a darling , though , ’ she added , absently taking a sip of the brandy which had somehow appeared on the table beside her .
9 When Sally-Anne , dolled up in ostrich feathers and pearls , had gravely made her elaborate curtsy to him at Court , he had put out his hand to lift her , and after she had replied , ‘ My thanks , Your Majesty , ’ he had twinkled at her , using the famous charm which had somehow made one ignore his years and his obesity , and said ,
10 In the afternoon ‘ individual sweep ’ , the unbelievable happened when John Mathews ( again Stoddards ) playing off 12 , scored a net 63 and tamed this four hour round course which had fast been gaining a ‘ killer ’ reputation .
11 Women had been the principal agents of this effort , which had badly affected the profits of the alcohol industry .
12 In the longer term the problems arose from a combination of factors including the economic recession ( which had badly affected the revenues from corporate , property and sales taxes which provided the bulk of state incomes ) , the legal obligation of states to balance their budgets , the recent trend of the Reagan and Bush administrations to transfer financial obligations from central to local government , and a rapid escalation in the demands on welfare and prison programmes .
13 Several came from Shung Sep nunnery , a day 's walk from Lhasa , which had also supplied the heroic nuns of the March demonstration .
14 Our billetors were obliged to provide us with breakfast , which might be taken about 7.30 ( or 10.30 if we had been on night duty ) , and one other meal which had also to be a moveable feast .
15 ( c ) Quarters : the quarters which had also been framed in jigs , panelled up , moulded , glazed and painted with one coat outside , were then erected and secured in position with corner knees .
16 Anne and her husband Alan , who was wearing a costume made by her grandmother which had also been worn by her father , told me how the village was changing .
17 At the end of November , when the extension and new filter were completed , the fish and plants were replaced in the main pond which had also been pressure cleaned and the mains water hose was left flowing overnight in order to refill the pond .
18 Fortunately , that was in harmony with the thoughts of the ITF Rules Committee which had also met at Key Biscayne a few days earlier and had thrown out the idea of one serve instead of two … or changing the dimensions of the court , such as a smaller service box or a serving line a yard behind the baseline , but agreed to make further research into rackets , balls and court surfaces .
19 To all this , Wilson believed , was added the swamping of the industry with cheap foreign labour which had also lowered the quality of British seamen applying for jobs , thereby providing the shipowners with an excuse to prefer the foreigner .
20 It became quite clear that the less immediately obvious tendency to back /a/ , which had also been observed , was a much more regular process and was associated with young ( chiefly male ) speakers .
21 Miss Logan carried a small bag of lemons , which had also been advised .
22 There was a short letter and a smaller envelope , which had also been opened .
23 A detailed site investigation confirmed that the limestone and oil shales had been extensively worked to the east of Straiton Road and also identified a number of coal seams near Lasswade Road which had also been worked .
24 We talked about the Dublin Review , where my Basic English article had been published , and referred to a characteristically splenetic article by Montgomery Belgion which had also appeared in that journal .
25 She was the same medium height too , with the lithe slenderness which had also characterised Isabelle .
26 The issue which provided the main focus of disagreement , and which had also thwarted progress on the CFE and START negotiations , had been the future political and military status of a united Germany .
27 The Prime Minister then led the guests in three shouts of " banzai ! " , a traditional call for the longevity of the Emperor which had also been the battle-cry of the Imperial Army during the Pacific War 1941-45 .
28 Responsibility was claimed by the Islamic Jihad Movement — Bayt al-Maqdis ( Jerusalem ) , which had also claimed responsibility for an attack on an Israeli tour bus in Egypt in February 1990 [ see pp. 37265-66 ] , and which in late October had been declared illegal in Israel and the occupied territories .
29 The concession resulted from negotiations initiated by the Georgian Interior Ministry which had also secured agreement by Ossete militants to surrender weapons stolen from the police .
30 However , it was in logged-out areas rather than primary rainforest that the fires were able to spread rapidly in Indonesia 's protracted four-month drought , which had also undermined the country 's self-sufficiency in rice , its staple food .
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