Example sentences of "which he then " in BNC.

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1 A spell of what Parrott described as ‘ the best snooker I 've played this season ’ enabled him to take a 6-2 interval lead which he then increased to 8-2 before Taylor showed his renowned tenacity by winning the next four frames .
2 Maggie braced herself as he reached for the top of the blanket , which he then drew down to reveal a corpse 's face .
3 This comic expansiveness even leads Robbins to insert a chapter ( 111a ) which he then renders as a no-go area , having first defined poetry as an ‘ intensification or illumination of common objects and everyday events ’ :
4 Working swiftly , in quite a short time he filled the case , which he then snapped shut .
5 He later confessed to having taken part in the theft of a quantity of goods including hi-fi equipment , a television , a leather jacket and a carriage clock , totalling value of £1,222 , from the bedsit next door to the one which he then shared with a fridge at Spitalhatch , Alton .
6 The fish took up residence , and the male immediately started pushing the female against the side of the pipe and wriggling against her as she laid her eggs , which he then fertilised .
7 Eventually he owned a greengrocery business which he then mortgaged to buy spoil heaps across the road from the gold mines , which had been there since mining began .
8 The father goes and hunts to bring back food , which he then leaves with the mother .
9 He was given an engine number , which he then questioned , and took what he was given , which was unaware that Bangor 's Class 5 No 44913 was standing alongside , and in any case the R.S.F. has clearly stated in the presence of others that the engine number was 4913 .
10 Five minutes had now passed since the capture , and Ulysse left the site with the upper half of the monkey , which he then shared with Brutus .
11 Ten days later he wrote to his sister saying that he had been asked to write an essay about Baldwin , but that he had refused , for he wished neither to lie nor to publish the truth , which he then proceeded to outline :
12 In general the discourse analyst works with a tape-recording of an event , from which he then makes a written transcription , annotated according to his interests on a particular occasion — transcriptions of the sort which will appear in this book .
13 for which he then gives a number of convincing reasons .
14 Above all he becomes a technician of controlled trance , to which he then surrenders totally — perhaps rather unknowingly as do our greatest actors and musicians .
15 He had found there the stinkingly obvious lair of a large python , a cave mouth which he stuffed with kindling which he then ignited .
16 During these past ten years , he had learned a great deal about his stepfather 's business ; not only did he trudge the streets collecting money , which he then took to the bank after it had been religiously recounted by Luther , but he was the one who made all the entries into the ledgers ; he was the one who always met with accountants and reported back to his stepfather , who constantly grumbled that he was ‘ too ill and racked with pain' to weigh himself down with the burden of meetings and ridiculous men in ridiculous suits , with their ridiculous ideas that a man should always invest the money he earns with the sweat of his brow …
17 Pushing his arms into the waistcoat , which he then buttoned up the wrong way in his confusion , he pointed to the girl who had lifted the veil of wet hair from her face and was peeking out of one eye .
18 The isolation of the village from the outside world was mitigated by the existence of a close-knit village community with which the farm worker could identify and which provided him with the range of institutions and amenities which he then required in order to live the year round .
19 I asked him , ‘ Have you got any old letters in the attic ? ’ and he said ‘ Yes ! ’ ’ , is his mildly amazed recall of this historian 's jackpot — one which he then capitalised on by a determined digging out of all the other surviving relatives , enabling the construction of the definitive Shrewsbury family tree in the book .
20 In the Macdonald household at Armadale , he asked questions busily and settled himself to a general spirit of enquiry , the fruits of which he then presents in his Journey .
21 Which he then sent off-planet , by various well-disguised and roundabout routes , to an unknown recipient .
22 His great love was chemistry , which he then studied at Heidelberg and Marburg .
23 In the common river genus Cottus , or sticklebacks , or seashore blennies , the male defends a territory ; the female visits him , lays her eggs , which he then fertilizes ; the female departs ; and the male then looks after the eggs .
24 It was also believed that Menelik visited his father Solomon , and on his departure contrived to substitute a copy of the Ark of the Covenant that his father had given him for the original , which he then carried off to Aksum .
25 In Harris v. Nickerson ( 1873 ) the plaintiff travelled to the advertised place for the auction sale which he then found to be cancelled .
26 He got up from his chair and put his spectacles into a red leather case which he then returned to his pocket .
27 I felt like a cold hand on my heart … ’ he paused dramatically , relishing the metaphor ; which he then spoiled by mixing it , ‘ … as if someone had walked over my grave .
28 He amalgamated parts of human bodies to create a ‘ monster ’ , which he then brought to life .
29 ‘ Aye , on the condition of other promises , which he then proceeded to break , ’ she cried recklessly .
30 But it is sometimes forgotten that as far back as 1909 he built his own aeroplane in which he then made the first recorded flight over Ireland .
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