Example sentences of "which it never " in BNC.

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1 But their flaw — — and this is particularly true of Bruce — is that they telescope the development of the Northern Ireland civil rights movement and retrospectively ascribe to it a coherence and a level of strategic thinking which it never had .
2 The bigheaded turtle is unique in having a heavily armoured head and tail which it never attempts to draw into its shell when attacked .
3 When pressed , he cites a small diversification into an in-house public relations agency , Tiphook Communications , set up to handle the company 's account and to win outside business — which it never got .
4 After 1968 , genuine approval of his anti-Soviet stance gave a boost to the incipient cult and by 1974 it had already reached its high-point , from which it never subsided , but simply spread to a suffocating extent into all areas of public life .
5 As Hunter says , ‘ his mind had received a shock from which it never fully recovered ’ .
6 During the Sunday a demonstration freight train was run in the capable hands of Class 14 with TOPS number 14029 ( D9529 ) which it never carried being withdrawn from BR operating stock in 1968 after just three years in service and before TOPS renumbering took place in 1972 .
7 No wonder , then , if Lucky Jim , dedicated though it is to Larkin , was thought to be about life in Swansea University College , which it never was .
8 The temple illustrates the animal fetishism that lies at the dark roots of Egyptian religion and which it never really outgrew .
9 All the more unfortunate does this become in the presence of narrow majorities , each representing a minority of the electorate , sometimes a small minority , and when at least one of the parties believes that the prerogatives and rights conferred by electoral victory , however narrow , not merely entitle but compel it to impose on the helpless but unorganized majority irreversible changes for which it never consciously voted and to which most of its members are opposed .
10 The 25,000 bombs which fell on London 's dockland during the Second World War dealt a devastating blow to a thriving industrial community from which it never fully recovered .
11 Nicholas 's suppression of the Polish rebellion outraged public opinion in western Europe and dealt his reputation a blow from which it never recovered .
12 Which it never has had any effect on at all .
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