Example sentences of "which [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The cry ‘ Rome on the Rates ’ contributed to the defeat of the Conservatives in 1906 — which Churchill for one never forgot .
2 An administrative career , and after 1848 his Bonapartist background , had led him in 1852 to the important prefectorate of Bordeaux , where he had hosted the famous reception in November of that year at which Louis-Napoleon in the course of his official speech had virtually inaugurated the Empire .
3 Now Pound has interested himself a great deal in the order of the Templars , to which Pierre of Castillon belonged .
4 The Prime Minister , Harri Holkeri , subsequently warned the SMP , the coalition partner of which Vistbacka like his predecessor was a member , to fall in line with the government 's policy on refugees .
5 Some Franks were prepared to fight under the Roman Paul , just as Childeric 's men had once followed Aegidius according to a rather more legendary story which Gregory of Tours knew , but which Fredegar related at greater length .
6 He also took the trouble to buy and read a new book of theology which Ramsey at that moment published ; an account of the development of English religious thought from the late Victorian age to the age of William Temple — From Gore to Temple .
7 The circumstances in which Anselm used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae in these nine letters from 1101 to 1106 show that he knew that this phrase embodied the papal policy with which Hugh of Lyons had probably made him familiar , and which he was in duty bound to carry out in the matter of homage and investiture .
8 C adds to the 1017 entry that the exiled ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , which could imply that the original was written before this happened ; but it should be noted that the final sentence of the same annal , on Cnut 's marriage to Emma before 1 August , comes after the notice of Eadric of Mercia 's execution , which Florence of Worcester says happened at Christmas ; if so , the sentence on the marriage looks like a relatively late addition .
9 ‘ In my judgment , in the class of documents with which we are now faced there is an overwhelming bias in favour of the public interest being served by the disclosure of those documents and that , therefore , there is no justification for creating a new class of privileged documents which would be the effect of extending the class in respect of which Neilson v. Laugharne [ 1981 ] Q.B .
10 Serbia and Montenegro proposed an amendment to permit not only republics but also " nations " to remain within Yugoslavia , a formula under which Serbs in Croatia could elect to join this entity .
11 About 1146 Adam became canon of the cathedral of Paris ; as such he took part in the Paris synod of 1147 , presided over by Pope Eugenius III , at which Gilbert of Poitiers had to defend himself against charges of heretical doctrines concerning the nature of God and the Trinity .
12 Feeling somewhat naked in the bitter winter 's chill , he had decided to pitch up to his shirt maker in Jermyn Street , his hatter in St James 's and his tailor in Savile Row to deck himself out in a manner which Solomon in all his glory would have found intimidating .
13 On 11 July 1546 , at a council meeting at which Mary of Guise was present , the idea was rejected .
14 The extent to which God in all three persons of the trinity has simply been seen as male is well captured by the liturgy of The Alternative Service Book used in Anglican services of confirmation in Britain .
15 for if the cases of which Goodman v. Mayor of Saltash is the type are to be retained as legally charitable — and there is good a priori reason for retaining them — public benefit is the inevitable foundation of this head of charity .
16 Giap , remembering his wife 's sufferings , felt a hatred towards France which Ho with all his old
17 He looked — which Tobie in particular did n't care for — uncommonly like the way he had looked more than two years before at a place called Skylolimne ; and later at another place called Kerasous .
18 This is some information which is useful for you but we need a trial balance sheet every three months which Wendy at the moment
19 Although France wants American soldiers in Europe , America 's leadership in the Gulf war ( in which France at least played a part ) seems only to have confirmed French fears that military co-operation outside Europe means American domination .
20 We have been referred to several recent cases , of which Padfield v. Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food is the best example , in which the courts have stressed that in the ordinary way a minister should give reasons , and if he gives none the court may infer that he had no good reasons .
21 The Maan which Lawrence of Arabia knew was a way-station on the Hejaz railway taking pilgrims down to Mecca , and later was briefly capital of Transjordan before the Emir Abdullah , grandfather of King Hussein , moved with his tribal chiefs to Amman .
22 This great migration gave to the black population , concentrated in the inner-city areas of which Harlem in New York was only the most famous , real political power for the first time .
23 Finely made of solid silver from the local mines , it must have weighed twenty pounds , and was adorned with a shimmering cascade of golden plumage which Lorne at once recognized .
24 British Gypsum , part of BPB Industries plc , is the UK 's largest supplier of plaster products ( of which BPB as a whole is Europe 's largest supplier ) .
25 Before the 17C there were two statues on the bridge , one of the Crucifixion , which Elizabeth of Bohemia ( the Winter Queen ) foolishly insisted should be torn down as she said it looked like a naked bather , and the other of the moderate Hussite king , George Poděbrady .
26 For the abrupt , hasty manner of Pound 's criticism seems to some readers to carry the implication ( to which Pound in fact did not subscribe ) that no critic is worth listening to unless he has laboured at the maker 's workbench ; that all worthwhile criticism of stories comes from story-tellers , that only poets are worth listening to about poems .
27 There 's already a hyperathan there , which Willy over chopped , it is a beautiful plant .
28 During the 14C , Prague was the largest city north of the Alps and the king had the sole right to the silver from the mines of Bohemia and Silesia which John of Bohemia had acquired in 1331 .
29 But the meeting of intellectual endeavour and the Wanderlust , which John of Salisbury so clearly represents , is at least a symbol to us of the channels these influences found .
30 Edward undertook to place a force of 600 men at the duke 's disposal and to grant him the earldom of Richmond , to which his family had an ancient claim and which John of Gaunt relinquished for the purpose .
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