Example sentences of "which [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 It relates more particularly to parish churches , which rarely have single-sex choirs in these days .
2 Such changes in social and political thought clearly have important consequences for the character and goals of political action in the late twentieth century , and their effects are reinforced by the emergence of new problems and new movements — concerned with such issues as the environment and the use of natural resources , and the subordination of women — which arguably have little connection with class politics ; as well as by the renewed vigour of ethnic and national consciousness , expressed in independence movements of various kinds .
3 Some part of an organism 's chromosomes have a high rate of turnover of genes , and are called ‘ hot spots ’ which locally have a very high mutation rate .
4 They share this deficiency with squirrels , dogs and many other mammals , which naturally have only two pigments and have difficulty distinguishing between reds and greens .
5 In the result I have not been persuaded that any doubt has been cast upon principles which are soundly directed as being both desirable and reasonable and which furthermore have for long been firmly established by authority .
6 The list also contains a very few phrases which apparently have no equivalents ( " soap opera " " Z cars " " facts of life " ) , but are included on the grounds that their constituent words have no relation to the meaning of the phrase .
7 We should take note of reports that the Ove Arup route chosen by the Government will wreck a £1 billion scheme for 7,000 jobs and 6 , 500 new homes , which apparently have already been approved in principle by the Department of the Environment , in the Barking reach area of the Thames .
8 It is received with fear ; for it threatens that comforting security and certainty which hitherto have shaped our actions .
9 ‘ Pray think of a right man wt out regard to recommendations , which hitherto have not been of great service to me in the like cases , ’ the duke suggested .
10 … in the course of team teaching , interests and experiences are revealed which hitherto have been unsuspected …
11 And er a further er fly in the ointment , if one could put it that way , will be of course with the erm the local hospital whose site is just off this er the key plan provided , their decision from the first of next month to actually charge for spaces within their area , which of course will have a further effect of decanting even more cars into neighbouring streets and thus put pressure on some of the streets which hitherto have not benefited from ah residents ' parking so there will be further er obviously further requests from er from those residents of neighbouring streets .
12 11 , has been a source of problems which perhaps have yet to be resolved at the highest level .
13 Part of the process has been to leave melodies incomplete , in an enigmatic and obscure fashion , sacrificing them to the technical prowess of symphonic ‘ textures ’ which perhaps have a greater degree of interest and a more intellectually appealing complexity .
14 In recent years the seedsmen and the chemical companies ( the latter are rapidly taking over the former ) have been producing new varieties of hybrid seeds , fertilizers , herbicides , pesticides , and fungicides , which together have made continuous monocropping feasible .
15 Their effects can not be isolated from the HLCA system ; in essence it has been the availability of substantial levels of grant plus the guarantee of HLCAs on the increased numbers of animals which can be kept on the agriculturally improved grassland , which together have constituted a substantial incentive for such capital improvements .
16 It seems likely that the apparent increase in the residential segregation of the elderly since the inter-war period reflects both the substantial rise in the housing stock in recent years ( from 16.2 million to 20.5 million units between 1961 and 1981 ) and the increased financial resources of elderly people , which together have allowed more of them to continue to live private and independent lives .
17 A century ago there were empires whose boundaries were difficult for outside traders to penetrate ; now exporters of communications products and services experience difficulties in entering the domestic markets of such large population nations as China , India , USSR , USA , Indonesia , Japan , and Brazil — nations which together have about half the world 's people .
18 His words constitute a fervent expression of faith in a new creed , a new political and social system , a new kind of literature which together have a rejuvenating and energising capacity that stands in marked contrast to the corruption and dissolution of a decaying , moribund capitalist society .
19 Jan Laurens Brinkhorst , environmental director for the European Community ( EC ) , noted that the US produces 25 per cent of the world 's carbon-dioxide emissions compared to 13 per cent from all 12 EC nations , which together have an economy about equal to the US in size .
20 It is a collection of those countries which generally have two things in common : they abut on to the ocean , and they are in some positive — always positive — way economically or politically vibrant .
21 Some computer systems use raster graphics which generally have a lower resolution than the more expensive vector graphics .
22 The poll tax is likely to be higher in areas which already have the worst arrears , the commission says .
23 Key teachers who can , with training , perform a multiplier role on return to their institutions , which already have shown a commitment to introducing CALL .
24 In countries which already have predominantly enterprise-level bargaining reverse and countervailing pressures have operated only to a more limited extent — in this case towards greater consolidation in bargaining structures .
25 The Office for Fine Arts has not made definite plans about the procedure to be followed but it is thought that those institutions which already have some of the works of art on loan will be allowed to keep them , while the museums will be able to choose from what is left .
26 English Nature have responded by drawing up a lowland peatland policy , which includes commitments : , to oppose new planning applications for peat extraction on Sites of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSI ) ; , to seek protection for SSSI sites which already have planning permission — by purchasing or leasing the site , providing grant aid for conservation management , or liaising with extractors to minimize damage ; , to support the development of alternatives to peat .
27 Bodies which already have responsibilities in Amazonia include the Amazonia State Environment Agency ( IBAMA ) , the National Indian Affairs Institute ( FUNAI ) and the Superintendency for Amazonian Development ( SDA ) .
28 The main and most obvious response is departmentalisation — the grouping of a diverse range of functions which nevertheless have something in common into a single central government department .
29 The bulk of sales of dailies and periodicals here is not at the news stands , but via annual subscriptions which normally have to be renewed by 1 October .
30 They 're divided into hybrid teas , which normally have one large bloom at the end of each stem and are often quite highly scented , and floribundas , which have a group of smaller blooms and usually less scent .
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