Example sentences of "which [adv] make " in BNC.

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1 Hegel 's conception of historical time , then , reflects his conception of the intrinsic unity between all parts of the social totality , each a part of the whole and the whole present in each part , so that history too partakes of a self-reflective immediacy which paradoxically makes it ahistorical .
2 Here the conventional representation of truth as the unadorned , stable centre which poetic ornamentation covers is replaced by a claim that truth is an ornament , an addition which paradoxically makes beauty seem more beautiful .
3 In contrast to the few pet names moving through the bynames stage to become established hereditary surnames , there are dozens of diminutives which successfully made the transition , and an example of the surnames coined from but one font-name is sufficient to make the point : from Richard ( Reaney , as above ) come almost thirty styles including Rich , Richie , Hitch , Hitchcock , Higgins , Hicks , Dick , Dickie and Diggen .
4 Implicit within the ruling was the concept that once an abortion restriction had been upheld in one state , other states could implement it , an interpretation which effectively made it more difficult to challenge the imposition by individual states of restrictions as long as they were within the guidelines established by the Court 's ruling in June 1992 on Roe v. Wade [ see p. 38954 ] .
5 It fails to see the complex ( and often hidden ) relational aspects of power which effectively make a nonsense of simple statements about who has power .
6 From the central grassy plaza , a handful of streets lead towards the sea , inland , and across either side of the loop in the Liburan river , which effectively makes the poblacion , the city proper , an island .
7 Which presumably makes me the better teacher , ’ he returned with a dryness that made her want to pummel him with her fists from sheer frustration .
8 ‘ I started screaming so loudly that crowds ran to the scene which eventually made the policemen stop . ’
9 One in particular , which eventually makes a fairly slender tree about 30′ ( 10m ) high , has almost spineless leaves .
10 but er they were a bit of a nuisance because more than once , I must admit I erm , I collided with them which rather made me aware of their presence but anyway erm , then just beyond I am sorry , on the erm right hand side , a little way down this corridor , were the stairs up to the next floor which was in those days Public Health
11 There was every possible opportunity and we discussed it ; he was keen but not importunate , which naturally made me love him more and be more inclined to give him what he was so sweetly not insisting on , but something held me back .
12 Serotonin is a low level nerve transmitter which naturally makes people feel alert and happy , and these are the sensations associated with the drug .
13 There had been one or two Earth stories of how warriors going into battle had gone shoulder to shoulder , which had always seemed a rather odd expression , but which suddenly made sense .
14 The bridge was like a symbol which suddenly made me realise what is happening to that country .
15 Despite Gregory 's constant emphasis on the involvement of Childebert 's men in Gundovald 's cause , it seems from the chronological coincidence of Chilperic 's murder and the elevation of the " pretender " to the kingship , that it was the support of this third group , that is of Desiderius and Waddo , which suddenly made rebellion viable .
16 This involves using a filtration process which basically makes the solid content of the milk much higher allowing it to set better , making it smooth , thick and above all , consistent .
17 The total cost of the project is put at £450 million which alone makes fusion by far the most generously funded of all renewable energy sources .
18 ‘ It would be inconceivable , in the opinion of the Court , that Article 6(1) should describe in detail the procedural guarantees afforded to parties in a pending law suit and should not first protect that which alone makes it in fact possible to benefit from such guarantees , that is access to a court .
19 Among the pairs children learned , at least in my day , were items like black/white ( which only make sense as antonyms if you have studied physics ) , north/south ( ditto ) , day/night ( though in the context of fashion , the appropriate opposition is day/evening ) and long/short ( like old/ young , a continuum or pseudo-opposite ) .
20 Contexts in which only make is possible fall into two types .
21 Shares in the manufacturer of bridal wear and nursery products , which only made its debut on the Third Market a year ago via a placing at 100p , stand at 136p .
22 It was a sad thing to Beth , and one which only made her all the more determined to draw Matthew back into the family fold .
23 In many ways the life of a great political hostess was very attractive to her , which only made her feel more guilty , but she knew that she could not tolerate a life of subordination and absolute dependency .
24 Unused to being argued with , he shouted and cursed at her , and soon the two of them were arguing fiercely , he having trouble making articulate sentences due to his excessive amount of drink , which only made him yet angrier .
25 Most contract carpet in the USA is tufted and printed which only makes mass production runs feasible .
26 The energy paths of every being which literally made their way along here before me have permeated the very fabric of the earth and my footsteps are well guided indeed .
27 His son Carl later recalled that a few days before his father 's death there was already a terrible stench of decomposition , the advanced state of which apparently made an autopsy impossible .
28 ( Most handlers tend to look at the horse instead , which merely makes him point more agitatedly . )
29 After the two pictures for Leone , Van Cleef stayed in Europe to make pale imitations of them and only returned to Hollywood in 1970 for El Condor which unwisely made him a sympathetic character .
30 The interpretation which perhaps makes most sense of people 's answers is that their decisions seem to be based first on a desire to pay off quickly , and second ( in modification of this ) on how high an instalment they can afford — rather than on interest rates or total cost .
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