Example sentences of "or [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 On the shelves , the books themselves were in a chaotic jumble , stacked in piles , or stuffed in , spine first .
2 Frederick insisted that Polish nobles must either live on their estates in Prussia or sell up their holdings , and to this end he allocated state funds to purchase any Polish lands that came available .
3 I either have to remove existing fee paying patients from the Health Service or sell up and go and do something else .
4 Burrows and Hunter 's research indicates that many landlords are trying to force pre-1988 tenants out of their properties so that they can either move in new tenants , sell with vacant possession or sell on to other landlords .
5 British Airways warned that it will have to either close or sell off its UK regional business if its cabin crews continue to strike over pay cuts .
6 The federal Treasurer Paul Keating suggested that the state should either offer up the SBSA for sale , or sell off some of its other assets to cover the losses , rather than raise taxes in order to keep control of the bank .
7 the laying , erection , alteration or repair in or near to any road of any sewer , or any main , pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas , water or electricity , of any telegraph or telephone wires , cables , posts or supports or of the apparatus of any electric transport undertaking if , in any such case , compliance with this Regulation would hinder or be likely to hinder the use of the vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used on that occasion .
8 ‘ She must have stopped here , ’ Anne said , ‘ or doubled back . ’
9 But the beats are divided or shared out into three .
10 I would have thought the labour market conditions are also a vital ingredient if profitability is to be passed on or shared out in higher wages .
11 Verbal presentations often fail because the speaker tries to cram too much into too short a time , or goes on for far too long .
12 What happens when Mrs B goes on holiday or goes off sick ?
13 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
14 Where the " source " for a story dies , or is out of the country , or has been promised confidentiality , or goes back on what he said , the difficulties of proving the truth of a true statement may be too great .
15 Circles , straight lines and zig-zags can be chalked or painted on to a hard surface for children to walk , run , jump or skip along .
16 It was taken over by the British Transport Commission ( later to become British Rail ) in 1949 and much of the magnificent original decoration and marble was either taken away , covered up or painted over .
17 Now is not the time to rip down the wallpaper or tear down walls . ’
18 Klima 's stories breathe a delicate patriotism — which is not absent , either , from Kundera 's accounts of a country which is harder to inhabit , or remain in , or return to .
19 At Greenham Common , for example , it was declared a criminal offence to ‘ enter , pass through or over or remain in or over ’ the area of the base .
20 The light source is then only required to flash on ( for a 1 ) or remain off ( for a 0 ) and does not need to follow every smooth change in the analogue pattern of the information .
21 If agreement can not be reached , the banks , which include National Westminster and Midland , have the power to close the project or bring in fresh management .
22 They have cleared their shelves of anything that could offend the public or bring down the wrath of the tabloids .
23 The Tomahawk can not change course , choose alternative targets , fight off opposition or bring back pictures of the damage done .
24 The spiritual resources of patients can do a great deal to help in their recovery or bring about a peaceful death .
25 Unilateral action by the United Kingdom to stop defence sales would not stop the arms trade or bring about peace and security .
26 How far did war affect the economy or bring about social change ?
27 Perhaps because it is of the very essence of human beings that they transcend any situation into which they come or bring about .
28 After four years of service they could return home for a holiday with the family or bring out their wives and children , providing they had found accommodation for them .
29 From Iago , too , Othello has caught the habit of repeating a word , dwelling on it to debase it or bring out a sinister double meaning ( compare Iago on ‘ virtue ’ and ‘ blest ’ : I.iii.318ff. ; II.i.245ff . ) .
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