Example sentences of "as they would " in BNC.

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1 This means that students then have the chance to present themselves as they would at a working audition , and this is often quite a good place to attract attention .
2 It should describe how the characters , usually non-aristocratic or less educated , express moods , emotions and actions as they would in real life .
3 ‘ The influence of the Maharajahs is probably not as great as they would like to think , ’ observed a veteran republican in Bharatpur .
4 Officials merely provide factual material , as they would in answer to similar questions from an MP , drawing attention to any technical assumptions that have been made . ’
5 The industry does n't like dealing with the artist direct because that makes it difficult for music business professionals to be as critical or as observant as they would like .
6 They behaved towards me as they would to anyone else and I found it a very valuable exposure .
7 Because this is so , I do not believe that their position is as different from that of nineteenth-century anthropologists and Marx and Engels as they would like us to believe , if we were to take their rejection of ‘ evolutionism ’ at its face value .
8 He was a good PTI , he made PT fun and did n't just stick to PT and running — but there was no messing about either and he doubled them across the barracks to the football pitch , Where in the next half hour they worked as hard playing football as they would have done in the gymnasium .
9 The wives ( but not the men ) shop in the city , as they would anywhere in England .
10 The hope that the BBC or ITV would move into this job as they would for Commonwealth or Olympic Games was never realistic but it has taken Sheffield a long time to come to terms with the fact .
11 A Hungarian , Ms Erszebet Varga , who returned from Timisoara on Monday , told Hungarian television that on Sunday pregnant women taking part in the demonstration approached the bayonet wielding soldiers and , pointing to their swollen bellies , demanded that the unborn children be killed immediately as they would only starve to death when they were born .
12 They have been paying ridiculous rents of up to DM120 for the little decent office space that now exists in eastern Berlin — about twice as much as they would pay for similar space in the western part of the city .
13 The government reckoned that Poles were having to cope with about as much economic pain as they would tolerate .
14 When she arrived , minus dogs this time , as they would have destroyed the solemnity — Flora showed her into the back room .
15 If D set out to trick V into having sex , realising that she probably would not consent otherwise , are not his intention and his method sufficient to condemn him for rape , as they would be for obtaining property by deception ?
16 Other mares will tolerate , boss , or defer to it as they would to the mother herself .
17 Plenty of people in Donegal , Cavan and Monaghan would be delighted , as they would not have so far to go to buy drinks , groceries and cigarettes .
18 They wanted her to succeed , just as they would have wanted someone from their own family to make it .
19 When Awlad Amira took control of the popular committees a few months later , ousting Mannaia from office , Umar al-Abairsh and his supporters alleged that they could have done so only with Tibbu support ; they said only Awlad Amira , poor and unenterprising , would stoop so low to get their hands on the administration : Awlad Amira denied establish the truth of such allegations : Awlad Amira denied them , as they would ; Tibbu pointed to their political inactivity , their poverty and lack of numbers , and their peacefulness ( except under provocation ) , suggesting that Mannaia were scarcely dispassionate when they talked about the results of elections .
20 She beat on the tree with her fists , she threw her arms as far round the tree as they would reach and then , despite the relentless rain , the saturated ground and the penetrating cold , she fell on her knees at its foot , unable to muster the will to walk on .
21 We like the green landscape , the simple food , the reserved people , and our children do n't wilt in the heat as they would on the Amalfi coast .
22 He said unions had to be ready to ‘ pressurise ’ any incoming administration headed by Mr Kinnock as hard as they would a Conservative Government .
23 It is not worth our while because we can not redeem them for as much as they would get for five- or 10-dollar bills . ’
24 It is one of Robin Child 's primary aims that everyone should learn to be visually literate , to learn to read a picture as they would a book .
25 They thought we had made a fool out of the preacher and were sorry we had n't ducked out the door as they would have done .
26 It might require them to behave authoritatively , submissively , wickedly or shrewdly ; the role might be labelled explorer , prime minister , designer or archaeologist , but they will do no more than adapt functionally to the situation of the drama just as they would adapt to roles required in a game — just as they once learnt to adapt to the limited number of roles imposed on them in real life .
27 The services referred to below are described as they would relate to a Northern Ireland exporter but it should be realised that similar services are of just as much importance to importers .
28 These exquisitely preserved gastropods are largely free of the enclosing matrix , and look now much as they would have done 60 million years ago .
29 Violence was a daily part of their lives , and the men paid Trent 's leash as little attention as they would have spared for the commonplace of a bleeding corpse sprawled in the gutter back home .
30 However , subject to the Note below , we will pay to our clients the equivalent of such damages as they would be entitled to receive under English law in an English court for any personal injury to the client including illness or death , caused by the negligence , as understood in English law , of the servants or agents of ourselves or of any of our suppliers contracted or sub-contracted by us to provide any part of the arrangements for your holiday as described in this brochure , or excursions as described above , except for air or sea transportation arrangements for which separate conditions apply ( see 8 opposite ) .
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