Example sentences of "as you [be] " in BNC.

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1 As far as you are concerned , a covenant can be exceedingly simple .
2 Read newspapers , and do n't assume that the whole world is as interested in acting as you are .
3 ‘ I 'm twice as dumb as you are , girl , ’ I mumbled .
4 However , do n't make too much of a habit of switch-changing because the opponent may pick up your rhythm and attack just as you are in the middle of a change .
5 We are waiting just as you are , as the whole world is waiting , ’ a spokeswoman at the convent said .
6 The chances are it will blow up into a huge row , or even a fight , just as you are about to go on stage at the Marquee .
7 Remember , in five years , time , most of these people will either be press officers ( doing the same as you are , but with less loving care ) or they will have been kicked upstairs to edit a page instead of writing on it , thereby saving readers from any more of their insufferable prose .
8 It seems that one underlying problem is your relationship with your husband , who is gradually undermining your self confidence by comparing you as you are now with the way you looked as a teenager .
9 But as you are determined to live it up and have a good time , you must watch your health and try not to burn the candle at both ends .
10 ‘ If no one is behind you , how do you know what to do , as you are only 18 years old ?
11 There is one thing in favour of total non-hypocrisy : at least you know where you stand , for as long as you are allowed to stand , and , of course , as long as you can be sure they are n't being a tiny bit hypocritical too .
12 The latter has said that he could not necessarily turn a blind eye to this … especially if there were complaints from other parties ; as you are well aware the commission have the power to seek repayment .
13 ‘ I 'm sorry ! ’ goes the disembodied voice ; ‘ I 'm as pissed off about this as you are .
14 ‘ They are as fed up with me as you are , but they wo n't stop me taking leave . ’
15 Just so long as you are not intending to ask me not to leave London .
16 There is a way to make neutrinos decay without producing light — you can achieve almost anything in this sort of physics , as long as you are willing to do nasty things to pretty theories — but it involves conjuring up yet another new particle .
17 Begin with thanking me for him ; look at him as a person as important to me as you are . ’
18 ‘ Because they 're not so easily roused or so — volatile as you are , darling . ’
19 That quondam Nazi , Peregrine , is now nearly as reformed a character as you are — that 's all I 'll write . ’
20 She traces the roots back in time ; she covers some of the more obvious ground ( with chapters on Happy Mondays , the Stone Roses etc ) ; she rights some wrongs ; she flirts with some myths ; she gives a platform to some of the previously unsung instigators ; she dumps a few reputations ; and , though imperfect , it 's as reliable a guide to current Manchester music as you are likely to get .
21 Steering on the Same is direct and does n't involve too much effort — as long as you are unballasted .
22 I would tend to favour the first method as you are less likely to let the compost get too wet .
23 As you are reading this , the chances are that you , too , have tried diets , failed ( at least in the long term ) , and then restarted .
24 ‘ Honey , I 'd love to , but I 'm more or less stuck here as much as you are at the moment .
25 Thus in one moment the veil which had been preventing me from seeing you as you are had been lifted .
26 ‘ Not if one is good , as you are . ’
27 ‘ I like you as you are .
28 ‘ How do you go to the bog , all strung up as you are ? ’
29 As you are probably aware the Directive does not specify how emissions from existing plants should be reduced .
30 Your RR already has a US V8 engine , a Buick As you are only allowed to increase the power by 20% this can easily be achieved by changing the camshaft , carburettors ( for a four barrelled Holley and Offenhouser manifold as fuel costs are not a problem ! ) and fitting tubular extractor manifolds to the exhaust Large power increases are not sensible on a seventeen year old vehicle without major overhaul , steering , suspension etc
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