Example sentences of "as well [art] " in BNC.

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1 They used to have er dances as well every ,
2 I think I might change my hair colour as well every week !
3 ‘ I found a hardness of nerve , a criss-cross of trip wires but no particular bliss , no particular revelation , or stimulation or irritation of the enlargening , fertilising , satisfying kind ; although as well no inclination towards toffee . ’
4 Some are veritable campuses where students can learn about logarithms as well as lobs , fine arts as well a s fitness training .
5 A meeting at Bristol Guildhall on 17 November was called to congratulate the king on his escape , but attracted as well a large group who wished to implore him to end the war .
6 Early fishkeepers realised this fact many years ago , even before filters of any sort were developed , and their success relied entirely on maintaining low stock levels , allowing fresh water to run continuously through an aquatic system or conducting partial water changes , as well a mass cultivation of aquatic plants to biologically absorb and utilise nitrogenous wastes .
7 As well a facing a falling roster of 88000 adherents , 88open 's scheme to license its compatibility technology also stalled , having pulled in only Hewlett-Packard Co as a customer .
8 As well a facing a falling roster of 88000 adherents , 88open 's scheme to license its compatibility technology also stalled , having pulled in only Hewlett-Packard Co as a customer .
9 If the pot-au-feu is for a special occasion you include as well a boiling chicken , but since so many kitchens are n't equipped with a soup pot large enough to hold a chicken at the same time as all the meat , this may have to be cooked separately .
10 This opportunity provided a welcome break from the purely botanical work to which I was accustomed , as well a s a chance to make the most of my botany/zoology background .
11 There are very pressured days , says Jackie , when she has several visits as well a clinic , when she goes up every front path praying both mum and babe will be problem-free .
12 I notice we have a chart on the back of the door here as well a circle measured off in angles and er this is lovely it 's got Venus
13 This shall include a system of commercial banks operating according to private-sector principles , with competing private , co-operative and public-law banks , as well a free money and a free capital market and non-regulated interest-rate fixing on financial markets .
14 The CompuAdd 212 comes complete with 102-key keyboard , high-capacity hard disk , 5.25″ 1.2 MB or 3.5″ 1.44 MB floppy drive , floppy/hard disk controller — as well a MS-DOS 4.01 .
15 As well a regulating the parietal cell secretion of H + and Cl - ions , gastrin is known to have a tropic effect on the parietal cells independent of its secretory potential ; this has been shown experimentally and clinically ; patients with the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome have an abnormally high circulating gastrin with marked gastric mucosal hyper-plasia and an increased parietal cell count .
16 yes , we tend not to use P C Us as much as well a few years ago .
17 Er and this of course er became er er a major domestic political crisis as well a difficult military situation , a difficult one to win .
18 The Party wanted ‘ root and branch ’ electoral reform , she said as well a Green might and ( among many other things ) more power for parish councils .
19 Oh yeah all the all the hits er like er Bunch of Time and and Maggie and Old Flames and after all these years , if did n't do those you 'd be shot afterwards like but er what we do with the songs that that were like you know hit singles and that people really come to hear we make sure that you know that we do those and then we put in er you know what we think would be the favourite ones from albums and then we add in a sprinkling of the stuff from the new album so you know we give them a good cross-section for an hour and a half and then we have a good first half of the show as well we 've got first half of the show as well and our band go on with him for forty minutes and er they perform as well a few soloists and er then Tony and myself come on and we do an hour and a half and we go right everything we do on stage we have recorded at some time , we do n't do something that we have n't recorded .
20 All right then well thank you Simon that 's a broad thank you and and thank you very much for your money as well a hundred and fifty quid he gave that 's loads of dosh er to come in for the day as well and I 'm going to take you out for a a nice lunch in a bit when he can wonder around have a poke around everywhere this afternoon too so should be all right should n't it that ?
21 Women do need to become much more political , because the rules are defined by men and politics , as in fact has just been pointed out , are defined by men , in subtle ways as well a structural ways , and one of the subtle or not so subtle ways is in fact to insist that parliaments starts that ten o'clock in the morning
22 Because of the potential side-effects and risks of lithium carbonate ( e.g. toxicity , hypothyroidism , and renal impairment ) , as well the non-response of some patients , other drugs with possible prophylactic effects in patients with recurrent affective disorders are currently under investigation .
23 He had left behind as well the massive structures of farms and sheepfolds , with their strange irregular shapes , their gigantic mossy roofs , and little low walls .
24 In it , Unix International is expected outline specifications or requirements for methods of standardising graphical user interfaces ( GUI ) , as well the implementation of multi-media technologies and installation procedures .
25 Free tea , coffee and biscuits were on offer and , as well the opportunity to pick up useful leaflets and booklets , visitors could consult stallholders .
26 Erm , and , and I think sadly , as well the problem is that if this recession does go on for any length of time then we will be losing many of our
27 It never crossed her mind — that was the bad part of the mistake — that for the prince as well the marriage could not be an end in itself .
28 But erm I erm I recall as well the shops that we were talking about .
29 I think as well the young people have got to be motivated , to come to what they find here .
30 As well the one as the other .
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