Example sentences of "as [prep] what " in BNC.

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1 It is concerned with telling you as much about what we do n't yet know as about what we do know .
2 It should also be emphasised at this point that references to the ‘ public interest ’ are not intended to imply that there is a consensus as about what constitutes the public good or that it is objectively determinable .
3 The sanitation has improved since the merchant 's time , but it 's somewhere to treasure as much for what has n't happened to it as for what has .
4 As for what it gets in return , Spain gets little farm money , as it has few rich farmers ( who get most from Europe 's upside-down farm policy ) and little research and development money , as it lacks high-class laboratories .
5 As for what I meant by progressive methods , he did not believe in just filling children with data , if that 's what I meant .
6 But the celebration of this act of creation is not offered as a simple honouring of ‘ pure ’ beauty , for the concept of art within which this praise is offered honours the film as much for what it is not as for what it is .
7 This should be as much for what it can not and does not achieve , as for what it does .
8 As for what went on after I left the studio at night , I invariably drove out of the car park in a cloud of dust .
9 As for what may be called , although not very properly , the conflict with our ordinary ways of speaking , in which events , facts , and things are mentioned as causes or conditions , and also other items ( Ayer , 1972 , p. 133 ) , the principal explanation is that we are in accord with the rooted practice of taking the whole for the part .
10 As for what the head contains , well , yes , Johnny needs some of the things that live in there : will , desire , perversity .
11 As for what you do investigation — that is something new .
12 But as for what she had exchanged it for — that still seemed more like fantasy than waking reality .
13 And as for what I want from you , I hardly think this is the time or place to tell you that .
14 As for what he 's doing now , I do n't know , he 'll still be tipping them over the bar somewhere .
15 As for what subject , I 'm not sure what it 's gon na be cos I 've got ta pass in the
16 Yet one picks it up , in hints and implications , in the not-quite-concealed exasperation of polite administrators , in the raised eyebrows and brief knowing smiles of senior academics on committees ; indeed , it is as much a matter of what is significantly not said , as of what is said ; in poststructuralist terms , of lacunae , vides , silences .
17 Since the falsification of one hypothesis of similarity leads to the formation and testing of another , these differences are never settled , and so ‘ difference ’ is the sign of what psychology does not , as well as of what it does , know .
18 Employing the familiar juxtaposition of ‘ the remarkably law-abiding character of twentieth century English life ’ and ‘ the law-abiding England of pre-1940 ’ as against what he repeatedly identified as ‘ new ’ — ‘ the new juvenile crime ’ , ‘ the new rebels ’ , ‘ the new generation of indifferent parents ’ , ‘ a new type of violence ’ , ‘ the new state of insecurity ’ — Fyvel thus considered that there was ‘ something in the way of life , in the break-up of traditional authority , in the values of the news in the headlines , which encouraged widespread youthful cynicism in general and rather violent delinquency in particular ’ and that this was ‘ a by-product of a new economic revolution which has put spending money on a scale not known before into the pockets of working-class boys and girls ’ .
19 er as to what would happen to the metered charges as as against what they are at the moment .
20 Erm , the with with reference to something that comes up later on the training budget looks a small figure , as against what we 're talking about later in the meeting .
21 What he wished to do was , in broad outline , in accord with the principles of the Libyan revolution as well as with what he thought right .
22 Remember you can show signs of judgement in terms of your body language ( see p. 109 ) as well as with what you say .
23 The alley opened out into a large square courtyard from which , on all sides , reared five-storey buildings , all in a state of dilapidation , and outside of each was a mound of filth and rubbish , some giving off a stench which left nothing to the imagination as from what it was derived .
24 as from what I gather .
25 The mingled exasperation and admiration that Pound felt for Binyon are nowhere so explicit and appealing as in what he wrote for Blast ( July , 1915 ) , so as to introduce into that inappropriately vociferous context nine quotations from the demure prose of Binyon 's The Flight of the Dragon .
26 Instead of using It ( a cleft structure ) , an identifying theme places an element in theme position by turning it into a nominalization using a wh-structure ( called a pseudo-cleft structure ) , as in What the book received in China was a great deal of publicity , or What was received by the book in China was a great deal of publicity .
27 As in need , desire , as in what do you want , expect to happen now ? ’
28 There are certain common features in ethical attitudes : puritanical attitudes in sexual matters , conservatism , friendliness , ‘ down-to-earthness ’ , sense of duty to neighbours , critical attitudes to officialdom , and similar judgements as to what constitutes good and bad conduct ( Harris 1972 ; Leyton 1966 ; 1975 ; Buckley 1984 ) .
29 I was now at a bit of a loss as to what to do next , so I wandered upstairs to the room that housed the books covering my subject , just to check up on a few things .
30 The book is prefaced by a quotation from William Faulkner 's The Bear , in which McCaslin says ( in response to uncertainty as to what the poem they were discussing meant ) , ‘ He had to talk about something . ’
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