Example sentences of "his [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Senna 's team mate Gerhard Berger brought his McLaren in fifth
2 He was never a typical military dictator , nor was his Panama to be compared with Pinochet 's Chile .
3 Murgu is a Romanian tenor who has sung his Otello in many famous houses .
4 A man has been admitted to hospital after sitting in his Saab for five hours with the motor running and a hose connected to the exhaust .
5 Anna Patricia O'Neil was born at a quarter after two the next morning , so Denis did n't get his Patrick after all , nor even his Denis , but he got his much-loved and hard-worked Hana back and for that he was grateful .
6 While the Slovak presidency is a largely ceremonial post , the ballot was important for Mr Meciar and his HZDS after public disputes which prompted speculation that the party might break apart .
7 There was the estate agent 's clerk , Jack Cotton , whose property developments in Birmingham made him big enough , in partnership with Clore , to take over the Ritz and Selfridges , to put up the $100 million Pan-Am office building in New York and to threaten to present Piccadilly Circus with a hideous skyscraper of advertising signs , while he contemplated his Rembrandt at the Dorchester .
8 Even after having done the week 's shopping en route , I was back at Shellerton House as promised in good time for Tremayne to drive his Volvo to Newbury races .
9 He drove his Volvo to a beauty spot last month , drank most of a bottle of whisky and gassed himself with fumes from the car 's exhaust .
10 He would n't of come th wa on his Saturday before his birthday he would n't of come and seen me unless he thought he was getting something out of it .
11 The Maggot had played American football until he had come off his Harley-Davidson at eighty miles an hour and permanently damaged his left knee .
12 He could just see his Mercedes with Dillon seated in the back .
13 Petrie thought John a little embarrassed to see them , but they were taken to watch rehearsals and John took them in his Mercedes to Alsace-Lorraine to show them museums and other sights , and treat them to a memorable dinner .
14 It was around this time that he went to collect his Mercedes from a car showroom and found himself being gathered in for the Lord .
15 In 1982 , while under the influence of drugs and alcohol , he rolled his Mercedes in a 100 m.p.h. crash which he miraculously survived .
16 Of these the most conservative was Porta , who as late as 1578 could publish an old-fashioned cantus firmus Mass on the Josquin subject ‘ La sol fa re mi ’ and who corresponded with Carlo Borromeo ; on the other hand , his Magnificat for the Franciscan Chapter at Bologna was in 24 parts and we know that he frequently employed trombones , cornetts , violins , and portative organs as well as the large ones at San Antonio , Padua , where he spent the last six years of his life .
17 COLIN McRAE of Scotland recorded his second runaway victory of the year when he won the Carlisle-based Pirelli International by over four minutes in his Subaru at the weekend .
18 Colin McRae , of Scotland , continues his defence of the champion 's crown over four stages in Kielder Forest after winning the opening round in his Subaru in north Wales two weeks ago .
19 McWilliams was still having problems with the suspension on his Yamaha during the final practice session and said afterwards : ‘ I needed a higher starting position to have a chance tomorrow but I have learned a lot and I 'm going to prepare for my first World championship by having a good nights sleep . ’
20 Crawford recalled of Lennon , ‘ He 'd come in and sit cross-legged on the bed with his guitar or we 'd take his Rolls to the beach . ’
21 Cumming had a fascination with most forms of transport , driving his Rolls at high speed around the streets of London .
22 He recalls being patted on the head by one fashion editor who said , ‘ Does n't he talk cute ? ’ , and deliberately parking his Rolls in front of the Managing Director 's Humber so that he could n't pull out .
23 Meanwhile , Rabbit Software has recently been the source of a minor confusion in the US , following speculation as to which species of animal Ross Perot would choose for his Ross for Boss presidential campaign .
24 Only Joseph Banister in his England under the Jews appeared to suggest a total pathological malice towards them .
25 Unlike many of the towns through which he has bribed his way in his Peugeot from the coast , this one is n't ‘ full of blood ’ .
26 That interview revealed also that the hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) does not know his NHS from his NUPE .
27 Moving on , John plugs his Vester into one the Crate 's natural rivals — the Peavey TKO 80 Scorpion-speakered combo , again with a power rating of 80 watts RMS .
28 Mortimer had emptied his Browning by now , and could n't risk the time to reload .
29 Mortimer almost ran headlong into a patrol of Germans as he traversed a long gallery , but the Germans were hampered by uncocked weapons , and Mortimer downed two of them with his Browning before ducking behind a turn in the wall , his men loosing a volley of rifle fire into the surviving guards .
30 ’ That ‘ familiar in fiction ’ is deadly , suggesting as it does that the author has stopped looking at life and has purloined his Andre from the picaresque , in which rogues are invariably charming and whose advances are never rejected .
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