Example sentences of "from which there " in BNC.

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1 Some women have acquired status as heroines ; Rosalba Carriera , Angelica Kauffmann , Rosa Bonheur , Berthe Morisot , Paula Modersohn-Becker and Käthe Kollwitz have found places in a pantheon of major talent from which there ought never to have been any question of their exclusion .
2 If you were to tell me that there are people , like the man upstairs to whom you now threaten to turn yourself in , who actually do have a strong sense of themselves , I would have to tell you that they are only impersonating people with a strong sense of themselves — to which you could correctly reply that since there is no way of proving whether I 'm right or not , this is a circular argument from which there is no escape .
3 It can be a clasp that grips and devours and from which there is no escape .
4 Killers are skilled at choosing the right moment , snatching a baby baboon when large baboon males are not looking , chasing monkeys out on to limbs of emergent trees from which there is no escape except a jump — into the hands of other co-operating chimps below .
5 In reality , the training centres are a place of occupation , usually involving work which is menial and unfulfilling , and from which there is little throughput into employment elsewhere .
6 So fascinated was the Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior with railways that his table was adorned with a silver centrepiece , in effect a classical station adorned with statuary and urns , from which there emerged a silver model of a train which circulated liqueurs and cigars .
7 At the same time , it builds a prison-house of rhetoric from which there may be no practical possibility of escape : as later with the writings of Baudrillard , their critique , in its totalizing embrace , always seems to have a neutralizing answer to suggestions of difference .
8 Some , such as the Somerset Levels , Chat Moss , and Hatfield and Thorne Wastes , are visible from motorways , from which there seems to be no exit whereby they can be reached .
9 Before the war grammar schools were distinguished by their academic curriculum , by the existence of sixth forms , from which there could be progress to university , and by the academic qualifications of the teachers ; and so , after 1944 , it was taken for granted that the grammar school ideal must be preserved in its familiar form .
10 One example of dump leaching is that used at the Kennecott Chino Mine in New Mexico , USA , from which there is a daily yield of cement copper of 45–50 t ( Pooley 1987 ) .
11 I knew then that I had walked into a situation from which there would be no escape .
12 Not that she wanted to ; the cold silence of the night was itself a release from the warm clammy room and her mother 's muttered claims on her , claims from which there would be no escape until death .
13 Neither his mother nor Alice ever spoke of him except in the company of casual acquaintances who felt the need to utter embarrassed condolences from which there was no escape .
14 Their physical containment becomes vividly exemplified in the famous scene were , driven to enormous depth , the rivets from the hull pressure-pop , becoming deadly projectiles from which there 's no hiding place .
15 They were helpless little flies stuck fast to a sticky trap from which there was no escape .
16 One rectangular building straddled the compound fence with an annexe attached on the inside from which there did not appear to be access to the compound .
17 THIEF Gary Singlewood fled into a building from which there was no escape — a castle .
18 Again Millie said , ‘ Good morning , ma'am , , then turned and followed Ben to the cart , from which there was now a great scattering away of children , before once more they formed a group as if into a combined force .
19 But once embarked upon , the journey from hunting to farming was one from which there is no return .
20 There is no money , the country is in a crisis from which there seems no way out , and anyone who wants hard currency is selling anything of the slightest interest .
21 The greying of nations is presented as an inescapable world wide pandemic from which there is no escape .
22 Here there is a visitors ' centre from which there are guided walks in the summer and plenty of books on sale to help identify species .
23 Finally , the source of an instinct ‘ is that somatic process in an organ or part of the body from which there results a stimulus represented in mental life by an instinct ’ .
24 As a pair , the two view the cycle in the starkest , unvarnished way , the weary , lovelorn protagonist travelling an inclement road from which there is no return .
25 Since it was to act against hope , it was wrong to assume that defeat was an explicit sign of divine condemnation of a cause from which there could be no recovery .
26 Proceeding as it does from dogma , the Marxist pronouncement on Owen and the idea of the industrial co-operative considered as an extension of democracy is a verdict from which there is no appeal .
27 She was , as Clara had discovered at an early age , colossally inconsistent ; and sometimes Clara thought that it might have been easier to live with a true religious fanatic , whose fads and fancies would be at least predictable and well-marshalled , with the backing of some kind of external authority , from which there could be some appeal .
28 At last , after skirting carefully round some openings from which there was a distinct smell of rats , they halted in a kind of pit .
29 In contrast , because child benefit is paid irrespective of income levels , it acts as an income floor on which people can build by their own efforts , and from which there is no disincentive effect .
30 But still the employers resisted , and it was not until August 1917 that discontent among seamen led the government to establish joint meetings between the Ministry of Shipping , the NSFU and the Shipping Federation , with the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Shipping , Sir Leo Chiozza Money as chairman , from which there evolved in the following November a joint " National Maritime Marine Board " , of the kind which Wilson had long advocated , which within a few weeks referred to itself as the National Maritime Board .
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