Example sentences of "from which [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It will be a vision of success from which everyone profits , a vision which the Profitboss has developed over many years , a vision in which he passionately believes and is able to communicate with enthusiasm to his team and every other employee in the organization .
2 We need a variety of materials in a wide range of formats utilizing therefore a number of different types of equipment ; because it will never make sense to have maximum collections in every classroom , we are likely to value a central pool from which everyone can draw , and the ability to inspect , copy and borrow materials from other schools and central LEA collections .
3 Besides , my fondness for your personal graces and that genteel from which everyone admires …
4 Among his sacred possessions were an enormous club which could raise the slain to life again ; a magic harp whose music made its listeners forget sorrow ; an inexhaustible cauldron from which no-one is turned away hungry ; and two marvellous sheep — one eternally roasting , the other forever feeding in readiness for slaughter .
5 Do not keep saying to yourself ‘ But how can it be like that ? ’ because you will get … into a blind alley from which no-one has yet escaped . ’
6 Even if not as ancient or beautiful as the Charles Bridge , it is a lovely artefact from which one commands splendid views of the Parliament Building and of the skylines of Buda and Pest .
7 Swimming : Both resorts have small shingle beaches from which one can swim in crystal clear waters .
8 It is a composite concept , an agglomeration of feelings which are not pleasant and are seen as an emotional state which can not continue indefinitely but from which one eventually requires temporary or permanent respite in order to restore health and calm .
9 As Eugene Roosens says in Creating Ethnicity , the book which , with Frederik Barth 's Ethnic Groups I have found particularly helpful : ‘ After all , nobody can change ‘ the past ’ from which one descends , and nobody can undo who one is ’ .
10 The record in a profile can contain inputs spanning more than a hundred years , and under favourable circumstances it can be used to chart oscillations in recharge , from which one can infer climatic history .
11 I suppose that there are very few places on Moila from which one can not see the sea .
12 If the success of the election hinged on any one province , it was Kompong Cham — the home of Hun Sen , the prime minister of the Phnom Penh government and the area from which one in six of the members of Cambodia 's constituent assembly will be returned .
13 However , the attitudinist will say that the only real deduction is at the descriptive level , and that the distinctively ethical part of the conclusion springs from the value charge of the word which expresses an attitude from which one can disassociate oneself without being in the least irrational .
14 To say that they have priority is not to say that they have absolute hegemony over all other accounts at all other times , but rather that as a practical technique they are the accounts from which one 's initial hypotheses as to what is happening must be taken .
15 Such things happen in bad dreams , dreams of the recurring kind from which one awakens in panic and fear , though she had never dreamed anything like this .
16 Thus set unc where b ε J. If we now , according to 1.11.1 substitute a for x in each side of the above equality we obtain unc from which one easily sees [ if one thinks carefully what the symbols mean ] that f(a) = b .
17 Two hours ' climbing brought us to the narrow ledge from which one entered Antony 's cave through a cleft in the cliff-face .
18 A path led up to a level terrace from which one entered the tombs .
19 It compiles information from which one can calculate a metric ( although no explicit metric is ever actually calculated ) .
20 Because trying to meet this criterion has occupied so much of my research time in the past two decades it is worth spelling out again that to adopt a reductionist methodology in research strategy — that is , to try to stabilize the world that one is studying by manipulating one variable at a time , holding everything else as constant as possible — is generally the only way to do experiments from which one can draw clear conclusions .
21 A display page containing a list of options from which one may be selected .
22 The Colemans were driven to Filanta Court , on Archbishop Makarios Avenue , and handed the keys of No. 62B , a large three-bedroomed apartment with a balcony overlooking the port of Larnaca from which everybody getting on or off the ferry from Lebanon could be observed through binoculars .
23 Now speaking to you , as chairman of the G M B parliamentary group I can tell you that we have met twice over the last few weeks on this issue of modernization and we are agreed on the need to avoid a damaging public row from which everybody yes including the unions , will lose .
24 But in swinging almost immediately towards the opposite pole , the heirs of the Reformation indulged the West in an excessive ‘ freedom ’ from which its culture has yet to recover .
25 This is the basic underlying principle of homoeopathy and the one from which its name is derived .
26 Certainly it was untouched by the Anglican church , which had no truck with the feast of Corpus Christi ( from which its words come ) or the doctrine of transubstantiation , and in any case sanctioned only English-texted music .
27 But this does not mean that they have no essence from which their characteristic properties arise .
28 When parents are presented with the blocks from which their children must select their GCSE subjects , they realise it is now impossible to avoid choosing one , or probably two , of the sciences .
29 They include the products of the spread of the reptiles back into the aqueous environment from which their distant ancestors emerged , and , for the first time in the history of the vertebrates , the conquest of the air .
30 The best-preserved examples , from which their cellular construction has been described , are from the Devonian Rhynie Chert ( p. 17 ) .
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