Example sentences of "we think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Fig. 3.1 shows a picture of one spiral galaxy that is similar to what we think ours must look like to someone living in another galaxy .
2 We think nothing of handing over enormous sums of money to be reduced to screaming and tearstained wrecks , as short-wave diathermy currents course down our follicles .
3 So that 's what 's been going on in terms of output , in terms of orders already received , orders are up in all mainland regions of the U K. It 's the first time that we 've seen that since er the beginning of the recession and that 's the sense in which we think one can say erm reasonably sort of er straightforwardly that the recovery has indeed spread around the mainland economy .
4 Excuses not to do the work we think we might or should do , excuses not to be kind or considerate or whatever it is we feel we should be ?
5 We think we can give the vegetables a clean bill of health , sir . ’
6 ‘ As patriots , we think we have some Cambodians to support us , ’ said Khmer Rouge leader Khieu Samphan in an interview in Paris in August .
7 Maureen Fitzgibbon , chairman of the women 's steering committee , said : ‘ This time we think we will do it . ’
8 As Anthony Alexander , the group 's chief operating officer in Britain , put it , ‘ If we think we can get more for them than they are worth to us , we will sell . ’
9 When we are going on a journey to a strange country , our state of mind and the nature of our preparations are determined by what we think we shall find there and , in particular , by whether we have friends and relations living there .
10 ‘ And we think we 've found a Roman villa . ’
11 Because we 're mum 's star sign , we think we ought to win your star prize .
12 And we think we 're going to get that with what Jeff has done .
13 But one Tory source said : ‘ We think we could accommodate the Unionists if we needed to far more easily than the Liberal Democrats . ’
14 And if we buy direct we think we can get a better deal . ’
15 ‘ Let's not keep on going just because we think we have to . ’
16 We think we might have missed something .
17 6 ) Ideas we think we could do with more of .
18 We think we do it better .
19 A familiar disjunction : while we hold on to personal musical favourites dating back over twenty-five years because we still enjoy listening to them , the music which brings on the fiercest nostalgia is often a terrible , loathsome noise with which we think we have nothing in common .
20 To reject the ways of Christianity up till now because we think we are more enlightened , is to begin to throw doubt on our belief that God does speak through the Bible and the teaching of the Church .
21 ‘ In late 1992 we think we might see some signs of improvement in the US or some European countries ’ .
22 What do we already do well that the National Curriculum planners have neglected — remembering that if we think we do something well we need to be able to look closely , give reasons , describe in detail .
23 The public infrastructure founded years ago when we felt rich patently does not deliver a quality of service we think we deserve — just at the time we realise we are not as rich as we thought .
24 We all succumb to these tempting offers sometimes : if we think we 're getting something cheaper , or for nothing , we 'll buy almost anything !
25 Dr Leslie Weatherhead wrote , in Prescription for Anxiety , ‘ Deadness of feeling , even if we think we do not love anybody , not even God , must not make us worry .
26 We think we have solved any quality problems , ’ says Racal Vodafone managing director Chris Gent .
27 We think we are going to catch up with aspartame very quickly , ’ Shaw says .
28 ‘ But ’ , Remington adds , ‘ we think we 've got a bargain . ’
29 Experience is subjective , whether sensory , conceptual or otherwise , and our confusion only arises when we think we are separate from what we perceive .
30 We believe it is important that we participate fully in all these discussions as we think we have an important contribution to make from the substantial experience that we have , and I do not think you would find it acceptable for JARs to be binding on UK industry without us being in on every stage of their development .
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